Corrupted wish

Kabuki is in your town, but he calls you, 'Hot Garbage' and all your residents start calling you Hot Garbage

I wish somebody other than AkiraDivada would buy something from me in my thread
The genie says “bruh I dunno who that is” and someone buys your stuff for cheaper than normal
Granted, but the 2 new personalities are even blander and the first 2 out of 13 villagers are locked, so you can’t move them out ever again.
I wish for pie
granted but because he is so popular, Nintendo only releases a limited supply and you are not able to get him in your island

I wish for a pet cat
Granted but it scratches and ravages everything it sees
I wish for a sundae
the genie misunderstands you and makes every day a sunday, also whenever you purchase a sundae it melts and catches on fire
i wish that i had a better necck
Granted but it only lives for 3 days.

I wish I was an Inkling. I can't deny it any longer.
sure but your an inkling and live in a normal world where the government do experiments on you and this forum's power

I wish for a pet Eevee c:

my fave pokemon it's so cute
It looks really comfortable but it isn’t
It’s just a really disappointing experience all around.

I wish for more wishes
You obtain the softest bed on the planet. It is very pleasant. One night you get curious about what makes it so soft. You open the mattress. You find millions of squished ants.

edit: oop I got ninja'd.

You obtain infinite wishes, but in doing so you ultimately lose control of yourself due to having too much power. You are now the villain.

I wish it was winter.​
It’s a Canada winter, your eyeballs freeze so you can’t see until the springtime, also if you have hair it freezes too, and your car engine freezes, oops now your entire body is covered in ice, you die
i wish that quarantine was over