Cosplay anyone?

I'll be going to Comic Con this coming October and was curious what people thought about cosplaying?
Do you like it or have done it? Or maybe always wanted to? And who would you be?

Hey I?m going there too maybe I?ll see you , what you dressing up as?
I'v gone to several conventions in the past and they've been pretty fun for the most part. I tend to go to Anime Expo since that's the closest to me right now. I would love to go to San Diego Comic Con someday, but I've never been able to get tickets. I have gone to smaller conventions and they can be pretty nice.

So far, I've mostly cosplayed Pokemon trainers. I did it with my boyfriend and we had a blast. I'd like to cosplay Misty next, but so far, progress on her has been slow. I'm super particular on getting her details right (eyes being the exception because I don't feel comfortable wearing contacts). I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to go as Ash, but we'll see how that pans out.

I'd love to cosplay Reese, Lottie, and several Disney characters if I ever get the chance.

If you've never cosplayed before but have been curious, go for it! It's a pretty fun experience to do once. My advice would be to do it with a friend. :)