crazy things you did as a kid

I now realize how insane some of you were.

I ate chapstick- usually those fruity skittle flavors.
I drew on the walls with crayon.
I gave my dog plushies "haircuts".
While walking, I pretended to be in a Mario Kart race.

There's more, but I'll just stick with these 4.
I was obsessed with Avatar the Last Airbender and would throw rocks and pretend it was earthbending, one day i was threw a rock over my neighbor's fence and hit their dog and i felt bad and started crying
I've been a pretty tame child tbh. The worst things I ever did was shove my older brother through a window in a door and push my younger brother which caused his head to split open.

Those might sound extreme but they're not that bad when you think about it...
this was nothing to me when it happened, but when i look back on it, it scares me lool

so basically I'm really good friends with my neighbor's kids, and still am now, but when I was around 6 or 7; my sister, my neighbor's daughter, and I went inside the old on-ground pool walls they had, and my neighbor's son would stab the walls with a small knife (which was already torn apart so it was easy for him to do so) and we had to crawl around the walls waiting for him to find us. it was so fun back in the day, but looking back on it, if we made one wrong move, we could've been injuried badly oof
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one time i spilled hawaiian punch on my rug in my room and it was a huge puddle so i just started slurping it off the ground.
i would bite my sister when i got mad at her
one time i stuck a clay lady bug up my nose and my mom had to take me to her friends house (who was an EMT) and she fished it out.
i got an orange-flavoured popsicle, so it was all good.
I set my dress and couch on fire when I was about 3 years old. I can actually remember what I was wearing and how I did it even though I was 3. I also still have the burn scar on me.
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Not really ?crazy? but I guess I was just more fearless when I was a child. I used to go snowboarding a lot in my teens and my brother and I would go to the park to ride the half pipe and jump the ramps and I?d just go crazy trying to outdo myself, not really worrying whether I?d get hurt (which I thankfully never did). Now that I?m older I?m way too afraid to attempt those kind of tricks. Same with things like bungee jumping or whatever. Before I wouldn?t really think twice and I would just jump, but now I chicken out a lot easier. Maybe because I?m poor and won?t be able to pay for my own hospital bills lol.