Create a contest or bring one back

CREATE A VILLAGER WAS SO FUN. I hope it comes back this year for the Fair or something
RIGHT?!?! So freaking fun!!!! I think we’ve done at least three of those right? I know I have pictures of two, but I want to say there was a third in there somewhere.
Since Halloween is coming up, i think create an evil potion (or good!) would be fun. Especially if we could use dry ice and other materials, like glowing stuff.

We had a snowman event before where we drew accessories for the snowman, then voted for the ones we liked best. That became a collectible. Might be fun to do, but with some sort of Halloween twist. Maybe a scarecrow or something.
I hope they do a draw a monster/creature for halloween but it starts with that thing where you get two words in your profile and you can steal other people's ones for a day.