Let the apples roll!
XD Why the hate on the cubs?
Probably because they were doing so good, and it's tracking a lot of popularity.
By the way, did you know that the Cubs were the first team to win two consecutive World Series games? Since then, they haven't won a single World Series until 2016. Over the time, many things have happened. The Civil Rights Movement, The Cold War, World War II, the Great Depression, The Roaring Twenties, World War I, and even the sinking of the Titanic were all more recent than the last Cubs World Series win. Plus, several inventions we use on a daily basis never existed back when the Cubs last won. This includes famous snack foods like Reese's peanut butter cups, fast foods like McDonald's, shops like Wal-Mart, and all of the movies that came out during the entire time. Basically, the summary of the 20th century and the first few years of the 21st century were completely within the Cubs' championship drought.
Also, they got 8 runs at the end of the 10th inning. Inning 10, 8 runs. That's 10 and 8, which spells 108, the number of years between both Cubs' World Series championsips.