Currently Playing?

I've been playing Super Mario 3D Land lately. Waiting for my mom to give me the money she owes me so I can get Luigi's Mansion for the 3DS and possibly Captain Toad.
maple story 2!!! its so fun and the character customization is actually god tier. i mean just look at my character !!! i am so inlove ! :D
habby outie.jpg
Detroit: Become Human.

Finally caved when I saw it on sale for ?27 down from ?50. Adore it. Completed my first play-through a couple of days ago and excited to play it again making different choices.
I've been playing Killing Floor 2 with a friend the past couple of days. Tonight I start Resident Evil: Biohazard, though! Beyond excited to finally play it. I've been looking for a good horror game for quite a while.
Been playing Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles. Game is hard as balls!
Monster Hunter Stories

I really like it and while some sub quests things are confusing it's great!
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Possibly the best in the series!
Pokemon Platinum. I've had it for years on a cartridge that contains several games, just started this last night. Idk why I haven't played it sooner ✿
Just started HITMAN (2016). Never played a Hitman title before, but I really enjoy it. Really nice social engineering puzzles where you need to get familiar with different buildings, I really like that there's no time pressure and you might just miss 1 option out of 20 if you don't go to a certain place within 30 minutes. Total recommendation to everyone.
I'm currently in the early portion of a run through Pok?mon Ultra Moon. I was interested in the Ultra Spooky Cup online competition that The Pok?mon Company was running this weekend since the reward is a shiny Mimikyu, so I spent last week breeding Pok?mon and EV training them to use for a team. I competed in the required amount of matches, and I'm just a little bit past the first Trial in the main game.
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Gone back to playing Terraria after a long time. Managed to defeat the destroyer mechanical boss but seem to be having some trouble with the twins and skeletron prime so I may need to change a few things.
Been playing Luigi's Mansion (3DS), Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker and The Messenger lately.
Finished my Nuzlocke Challenge run of Omega Ruby and back to playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. Still in Agniratha, but I’m hoping to beat the game by the end of this year.
Playing through The Walking Dead: The New Frontier tonight. I've been needing a good story game lately and it was on sale. Hard to say no to that!
Breath of the Wild on Switch. Played it on Wii U previously (never 100%), got the Switch one and playing it again. What a great game!

Mario Odyssey is on hold right now for BOTW, as well as Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Playing NieR Automata once and awhile on the side.