Currently Playing?

Got AC Odyssey while its on sale on steam, enjoying it so far and might buy Origins. I haven't played an ac game since black flag
Taking a break from Xenoblade Chronicles X to focus on the Wonderlocke of Pokemon Ultra Moon I started, mainly because I’m not going to have access to my Wii U for four to five days.

Got AC Odyssey while its on sale on steam, enjoying it so far and might buy Origins. I haven't played an ac game since black flag

Ngl, I thought you were talking about Animal Crossing and I was so confused... lmao. But then I realized you mean Assassin’s Creed.
Stardew Valley. Can't believe it's taken me so long to play -- it's filling a void until I wait for Animal Crossing Switch.
Recently bought Sundered and Hyper Light Drifter. Haven't played the latter yet but the first I have and it's kind of enjoyable! It is a "Metroidvania", after all!
I'm currently making my way through Danganronpa 1, I bought both it and 2 on sale on Steam. This game has me more invested than I thought I'd be, holy hell. It's actually super good. I'm also playing through a nice ROM hack of Pokemon Crystal called Pokemon Crystal Clear. Specifically, I'm doing a Wedlocke challenge. Oh, and of course, I've been playing Smash Ultimate on the side.
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warioware gold

I've played the older games so much that the newer graphics are honestly throwing me off more than I care to admit

currently just focusing on various mash league challenges, like get x score and unlock all microgames on y stages
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monster boy and the cursed kingdom. it's like shantae somewhat, if you aren't familiar with monster boy's creator, though i think it's more intended to succeed wonder boy.
Started up a game of Hyper Light Drifter today. Aesthetics and music reminds me of Fez, which is awesome! Not really sure what's going story-wise though, guess I'll just have to tank through it and find out!
I've been playing a little Katamari Damacy Reroll, Super Mario Maker, Worms WMD, and my usual Animal Crossing games.
Right now I'm replaying Pikmin 3. It's a great game, but I really dislike its controls compared to Pikmin 2. Winged Pikmin are a great addition though.
Started up a game of Hyper Light Drifter today. Aesthetics and music reminds me of Fez, which is awesome! Not really sure what's going story-wise though, guess I'll just have to tank through it and find out!

I've just started this too! It's beautiful!
In the middle of Red Dead Redemption 2's story mode still- I know what happens and just don't want anything to happen to my big outlaw family. Not too far in on the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. And I'm still in the beginning of Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
ACNL and Fantasy Life. Just finished Chapter 3 in Fantasy, bought the holiday house and now need to save up dosh again. I'd like to restart my Pokemon X game because it's been ages since I've played and I'd like a fresh start, but haven't decided yet.
I've gotten back into playing RuneScape after not playing for almost a year. ◠‿◠