Currently Playing?

still playing Among Us because it seems to be the only “trendy” game that I can actually manage to play without losing

I am talking to your, Fortnite, and you, Fall Guys.
As a D&D player and massive fan of the studio making this, I'm so damn hyped. I dont want to jump into early access though since the last of their games I played, the original release of D:OS2, I burnt myself out on the game by the time the definitive content and reworks came out.

It's a good decision to wait it out. (y)

I believe Baldur's Gate 3, when officially released in its full version in a year or so, will be a great game to play. I've already spent over 100 hours in the early access game and completed two playthroughs. It's buggy in many places and has balance and other issues, but I was prepared for all that because I'd played DOS2 when it was in early access as well. I have faith in Larian Studios to make a game that will be truly fun and satisfying to play. I don't have DnD experience, so many of the races, abilities, spells, combat mechanics, etc were new to me. But it's always good to learn new things and I'm still learning. I'm on my third playthrough. This time, I'll try not to save scum too much and just accept all my terrible dice rolls. :LOL:
Just playing a combination of Pokemon Sword (Crown Tundra DLC), ACNH, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Pokemon Masters every day. I plan on playing something else once I finish the DLC for Pokemon Sword. That, or just play a new game entirely.
Been working through Yakuza Kiwami. It's my first Yakuza game and I'm enjoying it a lot. I think I'll probably end up picking up the other Yakuza games at this rate.
ACNH and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon DX! Though I haven’t played PMD in a few days.. I think I’ll take a break from it for a bit, I don’t want to get sick of it.
Been trying a whole bunch of games I have set aside and haven't payed attention to, to see which one sticks and so far its BoTW! I haven't put it down yet.😍 I never thought that removing the bgm and replacing most of it with ambient nature sounds could be so refreshing. And I have a love-hate thing with the weapons break system. On one hand I love trying out different weapons and on the other hand its annoying when a favorite weapon breaks. I also really love the cooking mechanic. I might be going out on a limb, but I'm having more fun so far than when I played OoT, Mm and Windwaker...and i loved those games! Its like Ww meets Alttp/albw
ACNH (trying to get back to the real date instead of being stuck in winter (southern hem island)), Genshin, a little bit of Pokemon, and SDV (Stardew Valley) because my bf is a saint and gave me the extra steam code he had. 🥺
I don't normally play on my laptop though so the controls will elude me for a while longer.
I’m playing the postgame of Dragon Quest XI. It’s incredible how much there is to do in this game, especially on the Switch.
I just started Genshin impact I like it so far I just wish it was easier to get the characters I want.
Still playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons while also trudging along in Dark Souls (which is an original unpatched version for the Xbox 360, god help me).
I pretty much finished Yakuza Kiwami. I did the main story, all of the side quests except 1 (I hate you Amon, why are you so cheap?), completed most of the completion stuff in the game including most of the mini-games (just haven't touched shogi or mahjong)... I spent so many hours on this game but it was a lot of fun.

Been playing Earthbound on my SNES Classic while I'm waiting for the other Yakuza games to arrive. I bought 0, the Remastered Collection (3-5), 6, and Judgment (set in the Yakuza universe). Gonna wait on 7/Like a Dragon because it's new. Can probably buy it cheaper later. Just trying to track down Kiwami 2 for a good price. But that's OK, I plan to play Yakuza 0 and then probably Judgment after that, so I have plenty of time until I "need" Kiwami 2.
ACNL, Pokemon Shield (hatching for a shiny Anorith for my monotype bug team), Super Smash Bros Ultimate, and Wind Waker, which I'm playing for the first time. I love it!
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Hyrule Warriors 🙆🏻‍♀️

I am LOVING it, and all the characters I can play! It's been pretty rad with all the chapters and side stories I can play as different characters.
Stardew Valley with some friends. Stardew Valley Expanded mod for single player. Also playing Don't Starve Together and just started on a second server. I just got Littlewood and so far it's less stressful than Stardew Valley.