Currently Playing?

I’m back into Tales of Arise and Tales of Vesperia again. I decided to lower the difficulty on both games since I play mostly for the story.
Still grinding away at Binding of Isaac, the other I finally completed all the post it notes for all the regular characters and now trying my best to do it with all the Tainted characters and that should get me closer to finishing the game once and for all
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Final Mix.

....I now realize that this is the first time that I'm playing the English release of the game.
I started my second playthrough recently of Jedi: Fallen Order on the hardest difficulty Jedi Grandmaster. Absolutely got my ass handed to me at first because everything was 1 or 2 shotting me but I am doing better now with some upgrades.
Im finally using my capture card and microphone again! I love making videos and started ANOTHER playthrough of Pikmin 3! Also I have been recording lots of online battles in Splatoon 1 & 2. I decided to also start playing Happy Home Designer and Mario Kart 8 again onmy own time. So everything has been lots of fun!
ACNH of course. Amnesia: The Dark Descent on the PS5 just because this game is SUCH a classic.
I've been slowly playing through Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes since it just released this past Friday. I'm usually not one for Warriors games, but I'm enjoying it so far. Trying to keep track of all of the different attacking types is a bit overwhelming, but I'm hoping I get more used to it with time.
Just got Sonic Origins so I'll be playing Sonic the Hedgehog 1, 2, 3 & Knuckles, and CD a lot. Ah, my childhood.
Been playing the new Cuphead DLC and I have to admit it right now, after having such a fun time with the new bosses and the music, this has to be my favorite DLC of any game I've owned! I love it that much and makes me want even more from Cuphead
I just restarted Pokemon Snap. I had most of the achievements, but it was nothing I couldn't do again. It's fun opening up areas and routes again, but I did forget how slow it was in the beginning.

I'm also playing Mini Gardens. It's a connect-the-pipe game and I'm doing one or two of those at a time.
Got Celeste as a gift. Not the newest game in the world, but I never touched it before, only seen some videos. I... I love and hate this game at the same time. It's hard, but extremely satisfying, graphics are beautiful and ost is great(I have a soft spot for this kind of music)

Also I'm more than halfway through Psychonauts 2. Really loving it! It plays sooo much more comfortable (no more sloppy controls and camera, yay!) and the story is more serious when compared to the first Psychonauts, but I like both of these games. Gotta finish it, because I'm really interested to see what's going to happen in the end of all of it...
With me finishig Binding of Isaac my life has lost meaning lol, I've been playing random games here and there to just pass the time, like CoD Black Ops 3, Gmod and Paladins
I've been playing Genshin Impact, Fire Emblem Heroes, and Pokemon Go still, but also Pokemon Masters EX and Pokemon Legends: Arceus, lol.
I decided to re play some games that I loved when I was really really little. Paper Mario Sticker Star & Paper Mario Color Splash! I havent played them in a few years and I dont remember completing the Museum in PMSS or actually even getting to the end of PMCS so its been lots of fun! PMCS is one of the best games on the Wii U! Its so fun and sooo pretty. oh and as usual I am still playing all of the main AC games and occasionally HHD and AF!
Been wobbling with Wobbly Life for PC which is a fun little open-world sandbox physics game. You can drive around, collect things, take on different jobs, and buy items like clothing, a house, pets, etc. Online and local co-op with lots of laughs.

I'd recommend playing it with someone else. It's fun to play around with (not a lot of focus required) while chatting.