Currently Playing?

Some of the Papa Louie To Go games
Criminal Case
various idle games
I am currently playing Animal Crossing New Horizon and Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Genshin Impact dailies on PC.

Can't wait for Scarlet and Violet!
I've decided to try out Multiversus to see how that plays and for the most part, it's a really fun game! Wonder Woman is my favorite character so far
Taking a break from Genshin Impact until Sumeru arrives. There isn't much I need to do there right now, but once Sumeru arrives there will be a TON to do again. :D

Right now I'm just playing a Pokemon X Nuzlocke, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Fire Emblem Heroes, Pokemon Masters EX, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Really trying to finish the last one so that I can start XC3. I know it's not necessary to do so, but the combat system in 3 is very similar to 2 according to my Xenoblade expert friend, and some of the story events are easter eggs in 3, so yeah.
Currently playing Animal Crossing Gamecube on my Steam Deck while my fiancé plays Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (Gamecube) on the Steam Deck as well.

Other games I've downloaded on our Steam Deck but haven't played yet: Downhill Domination (PS2), Shadow of the Colossus (PS2), and Dragon Quest 8 (PS2).

Interested in some other old Windows games I'll be downloading soon enough: Roller Coaster Tycoon, Peggle, Zuma, DX-Ball.

Also, every weekend with fiancé's family: Mario Golf: Super Rush, and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
trying out tower of fantasy rn, seems like a smoother version of genshin impact but it still has the weird cash cow aspects, character customization tho which is neat

still playing xc3, about 50 hours in and its peak fiction as usual
So I realized that my sister's xbox game pass comes with a lot of games I want to play, but not pay for, so I asked if I could use her xbox to play Hades. I'm still getting the hang of xbox controls, but besides that I think the game is perfect in every single way. Like a solid 10/10. The storyline is compelling and still enjoyable even with mythology tied into it, the randomized chambers make gameplay different each time and always fun, the character designs and personalities are all uniquely tied into their mythology, the voice actors are british, the scenery and artstyle is fantastic, the soundtrack is mysterious and really good, and its just so much fun. I'm only a couple hours in but I'm already really enjoying the game.
just booted up splatoon 2 for the first time in a long time 🥺 i’ve also been considering purchasing cult of the lamb so I might start that tonight if i end up getting it
Final Fantasy XIV, which did you know has a free trial

Anyways I'm having fun with being up to date on it and just focusing on other things
Currently trying to finish getting achievements on fallout 4 XB1 and right now I'm doing an evil nuka world run but being mean makes me sad😔 and also I'm horribly under leveled because I can't be bothered to grind exp lol
Cozy Grove! It's a very super comfy game to play when you just feel like relaxing. Similar to AC, I feel. But also very different too!
Revisiting Spider-Man on my PS5. Fidelity mode (full graphical enhancements and more accurate ray-tracing) at 40fps is hard to ignore. The jump from 30fps like how it is Ratchet and Clank is big and I almost never notice that I'm not playing it at 60. Plus it has VRR, so it's not always stuck at 40 and goes beyond that, even a bit, is already a big deal. Still one of the best HDR implemenration to date.
I've stopped playing the other games I was playing and am focused on Genshin Impact and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.