Currently Playing?

Started playing Asterix & Obelix XXL 3: The Crystal Menhir. Very short game, so I'm aiming for 100% completion on this one. Should be fun, considering I can't even find a 100% guide for it.
Earthbound beginnings. Its cool to have some backstory to a character im not saying the name of. Im not used to unseen encounters so it ends either bored or terrified of finding something else while wandering

Also Dauntless. Thought I wasn't a fan of online games but seems its competitive games that i dont play. You have to work together with people instead. I seem to love it and I play alot on it
i bought the tales of symphonia remaster today and while i'm not convinced they've remastered anything i'm having a ton of fun!! so nostalgic ☺️☺️
Currently addicted to CrisTales, a very underrated JRPG! Highly recommend JRPG fans to check it out!!(y)
Been replaying the original Last of Us just to see how it compares side by side with the show. Been pretty fun, despite only having the first remaster for PS4, and not the 'Part 1' remake. - Not really sure if that matters one way or the other; Obviously the original game and the remaster are both great anyway. Not sure if 'Part 1' brings anything to the table aside from better graphics...which I definitely don't need in order to enjoy the experience again.
Post what video games you are currently playing here!

GTA 4.
Pac man world 2, because the game is horrible but i want to beat it. the enemies detection is so big it sucks + controls are janky and too sensitive
Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. I just got the 2nd Crystal Star. I really HATED chapter 2. So long, so much backtracking, and the puzzles were so confusing to figure out.
Such a great game :D

I downloaded the free Katamari Damacy remake on Switch. I always wanrted to play the game when it came out originally but never did. It's interesting, enjoyed playing a few levels but now it's actually getting somewhat difficult (or maybe I'm just terrible at it).
Such a great game :D

I downloaded the free Katamari Damacy remake on Switch. I always wanrted to play the game when it came out originally but never did. It's interesting, enjoyed playing a few levels but now it's actually getting somewhat difficult (or maybe I'm just terrible at it).

The Katamari games can be challenging, for sure. - The hardest levels for me were always the ones where you are supposed to avoid certain items. Or the ones where it's like "find the largest such and such"...and the level ends when you touch the first item of that kind. Technically you pass those levels anyway...but you get a weak review.'s a game that requires some getting used to. Combination of growing familiar with the controls and simply knowing which sections of the map to hit first.
I'm currently playing Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe since I haven't played the original version on the Wii.
I've got Rune Factory 5 brainrot so it's mostly just been that lately ahaha, although since the island journaling event on here I've been trying to keep up with ACNH at least semi-regularly too.
I’ve been juggling too many games. I’m mainly playing Harvestella - I’m surprised I’ve not seen more people on here playing it or talking about playing it. BEAUTIFUL farm sim game, the music is beautiful, with a nice nod to the Trials of Mana series, (very Square Enix of them, obviously), the visuals are beautiful, the story lines are great…anyway, I HIGHLY recommend it. There’s also the option to marry the same sex too, for those who that option is important to. I’m happy to see the option included.

I‘m also playing ACNH more to keep working on my second island. I plan to keep up my island journal from this event, just need to sit and make a couple new entries.

I’m still playing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet too. I’ve been playing them simultaneously to make sure I actually play both. I‘ve found in previous pokemon dual releases that if I play one though, I don’t like to restart the same story immediately after just finishing it. At least this way, I’m keeping up both!

And last but not least, I’m playing LoZ: BOTW. We pre-ordered two copies of Tears of the Kingdom, and I want to finish this play through of the first one before starting that one. I just beat Vah Rudania last night, so I’m almost there!

I’ll also be starting Sonic Frontiers, Fire Emblem Engage, and Smash Brothers soon.

TL;DR: I’m playing Harvestella, ACNH, Pokemon S/V, and BOTW.
Mostly just Grim Guardians. It's pretty fun though I was expecting it to be a Metroidvania, which it isn't. Plays more like the retro-styled Bloodstained games.