Currently Playing?

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward and Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

Yesssss! Someone on this forum a month ago suggested Virtues Last Reward and I LOVED IT.
I got almost 60 play hours out of it.
I loved it so much I went back and bought 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors (the prequel) and am currently playing through it.
There's a few things that make a lot more sense... a lot more... when you play 999 first.
Like why does Tenmyouji trust Clover so much with Quark?
And why does Tenmyouji keep staring at the dead lady and not talking (o___o)
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On computer:
- Sims 3 (including all expansion packs)
- Farmville 2
- Neopets

On tablet:
- Nemo's Reef

I need to find something else to do though, to keep me busy until 14 June. Because all of these games, except for Sims 3, are short daily games. :p Maybe I have to get Epic Mickey 2 for 3DS.
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I'm currently playing through Digimon World: Dawn. I already beat Dusk years ago and Dawn's been sitting on my self unplayed, so I figured I might as well run through the game to see if anything is different between the two versions.

If I'm lucky I can use my 3DS and communicate between the two systems so I can get all the digimon data into my copy of Dusk.
FEA i just beat it last night and nw im gonna start replaying it for the extra stuff
Only Fire Emblem Awakening lately. Looking to play online games but I don't know which one to play because I'm lazy and don't want to play most of my games.
I just started playing Enchanted Folk and the Town of Wizardry again, I really forgot what fun it was! And a great game to play while waiting for ACNL..
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That game looks fun! I might have to emulate it...
You definitely should! It's basically a magical version of ACWW.. and I think it should deserve a sticky or something for everyone who is yearning for some more AC while waiting for New Leaf. It's really too bad the marketing was so bad for it, it's not AC of course, but it's still charming on its own :)
You definitely should! It's basically a magical version of ACWW.. and I think it should deserve a sticky or something for everyone who is yearning for some more AC while waiting for New Leaf. It's really too bad the marketing was so bad for it, it's not AC of course, but it's still charming on its own :)

So, it's definitely a day-to-day game?
Yup! In some cases I guess you could call it an ACWW ripoff, like there are seasons and seasonal events & weekly recurring characters and insects/fish etc. But this one also has a small island to visit, and your classmates can actually become your girl/boyfriend if you're into that kinda thing :p The thing that is really neat about it that you can learn a song and play or whistle it, and then random animals will join to jam. Whoo improv gig! Anyways, while it may not be as polished like Nintendo, there's still a lot to explore/collect ;)
Now playing Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones in preparation for Awakening.

And Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7... It was free with my xl... and Harry Potter is amazing, dont even try to deny it :p
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