Currently Playing?

I love Mother 3!
I'm going to replay it.

I'm currently playing
-Super Smash Bros. Brawl
-BIT. Trip Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
I've been playing Mario Kart 7 quite a lot recently but I have had it a while, a bit over a year now. It wasn't too long since I've played Nintendo Land or OoT 3D either.
Luigi's Mansion 2 and Pokemon Stadium 1 + 2 ( ... mostly the mini games with my sister though :p)
I've actually gotten back into Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock again. I've had this game for over a year and still enjoy it. It was what made me a guitarist and drummer. (In real life)
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Pokemon mystery dungeon gates to infinity and currently i died in a dungeon so if you'd like to walk by my house within a 30 FT radius so i could get a notification for you to revive me feel free to :blush:
FE still, Hitman: Absolution still (it's hard), re playing Dungeon Defenders, Playstation All Stars, LM:DM, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, and Minecraft.
All Stars on PS3 I presume? Fire Emblem pretty much dominates my line-up right now though I'm probably going to star Luigi's Mansion 2 soon. And in between those two Rhythm Thief.
Giving Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon a break for a while since I seem incapable of playing it without hurting the tips of my thumbs.

I'm now playing Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. I loved the first game and I'm excited to finally be playing the sequel to it! Lunar needs more love than it gets. ;^;
Due to constantly be busy with studies, I don't get to play often. At the moment, I'm playing:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Baldur's Gate Tales of the Sword Coast

Both are on the PC. Geeky games I know. o///o