Well, I've been trying to find time to play GTA V Online with some friends, but as silly as this may sound, I can't motivate myself to even turn on my PS3. xD
I've been playing an excellent game called The Binding of Issac, extremely fun, extremely addicting.
Not recommended for younger members of the community though, its pretty disturbing.
Since my PC is my primary gaming device at college, I've been playing a lot of Risk of Rain and Starbound. Both are excellent, especially if you've got some buddies to play with (these games have been great ways to keep in touch with people from back home).
I completely finished FFXIII-2 over the weekend. All fragments, all endings, etc. There's nothing else to do.
I decided to start playing Fire Emblem Awakening again. I stopped playing when NL came out. I decided to completely start over since I don't remember much of what I was working on at the time. It took me 2 hours of trying repeatedly to beat chapter 6 last night because the enemies kept being cheap and luck was not in my favor (enemies would hit me with only 51% chance of hitting, but I'd miss with a 96% chance of hitting... WUT). I hated this battle the first time I played the game too. Argh.
Other than ACNL, I'm still grinding through my Support Log for Fire Emblem: Awakening and finishing off Zelda: Oracle of Ages. Trying to keep my game schedule clear for Bravely Default on Christmas Day!
New Leaf, duh. Otherwise Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. One of the better RTS and beautiful graphics and a gameplay that is understandable *coughsomeothergamescough*