TBH, I've mostly been playing NL for the past few months. And... I'm getting bored. Not really of NL, but that I haven't really played other games. I think I need to start playing another one in addition. The problem is I can't decide if I want to 1) play a game I haven't played yet (Virtue's Last Reward), 2) replay an old game I already beat years ago (Final Fantasy Tactics), or 3) continue a game I am a good bit through but haven't beaten yet (Fire Emblem Awakening).
I'm leaning towards 1 or 2. FE:A has fun gameplay but the story is a bit weak. I'm in the mood for good story.
Tonight I shall be playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate and probably some Pokemon Y. I've hardly got thought the Mirror of Fate storyline despite really liking it so far.
Tonight I shall be playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate and probably some Pokemon Y. I've hardly got thought the Mirror of Fate storyline despite really liking it so far.
Terraria for me tonight and the next week or so until I can get Wind Waker HD/Wii U bundle @_@...and my 3DS back so I can start playing New Leaf again, along with 'Mirrors of Fate..