Currently Playing?

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies because I keep switching between games. But my goal is to complete/finish this game before the end of next week! (Well, that's the plan, anyway, let's see if I can actually do it...)

Hecks ya, Phoenix Wright is awesome! I beat it way back, but recently started playing again, because of the whole DLC thing I bought a while ago and never got to playing.

Killer whales :cool:
Rune Factory 2 because of someone's profile pic
other than acnl, ace attorney and pokemon x (wwhich i got over a month ago and i only havve 7 badges
Xbox: Nothing as of now. Haven't touched it for months. I last played Ghosts on it though.
PS3: Same as xbox lol I last played MGS on it!~ Legacy edition ftw.
3DS: ACNL, FE:Awakening, and Conception II~
Steam: Warframe, Goat Simulator, Starbound
Mostly ACNL, Retro City Rampage City DX, and Monster Hunter 3 for the 3DS.
All really fun games.
Lately I've been playing Animal Crossing NL, Pokemon Y and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky (one of my favourite games)
just ACNL and pokemon X..... and I'll get the layton x phoenix wright game whenever they finally release that in NA ugh
Still Extremely addicted to Disney Magical World. About to pick up a copy of Mario Kart 7, since it's ten dollars off. Pretty excited for it.
I've been playing Dark Souls II. It took a few hours for me to get into it, but it's pretty awesome so far. Unfortunately, I'm a bit stuck at the moment though, unless something magical is behind this group of ambushing enemies I found. xD
Some League of Legends of my friends are online, a lot of ACNL, and before that I was playing Bravely Default. Only at Chapter 5 though, but ACNL took over XD Gotta get back to Bravely Default though.
Some League of Legends of my friends are online, a lot of ACNL, and before that I was playing Bravely Default. Only at Chapter 5 though, but ACNL took over XD Gotta get back to Bravely Default though.

I'm in Ch5 as well. Just unlocked Vampire...make absolutely sure you do that side-quest! The info you get while doing is it essential!!

Aside from Bravely Default, I am playing:

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Feed The Beast: Monster
Team Fortress 2
King Arthur's Gold
LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4
Shadowrun Returns
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
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