Currently Playing?

Pokemon Fire Red, Leaf Green, and Emerald, All Animal Crossing Games, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart 8, Pikmin 3, Quantum Rush, F-Zero GX, and the Guitar Hero: On Tour series, to name a few.
I just started Dark Souls yesterday, thanks to Games with Gold. I've been pretty impressed thus far, despite a lot of friends complaining about the difficulty and learning curve. It has very a realistic combat system compared to most RPGs, as it seems that the character's body mechanics follow actual physics as opposed to the superhuman swordplay in most comparable games. I'm definitely excited to delve deeper into the game. :)
Now we're onto Tomodatchi Life, Harvest Moon ANB and Catherine. I guess MK8 is still fun...

I've got Machinarium, Psychonauts and Trine (the first one) waiting for me on my PS3 to be played though arrrggg
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I've been playing quite a few things which is a bit of a feat because I've been working a lot (Going by the last week):
ACNL (obv), Fallout 3, Tomodachi Life, Pokemon X, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Bioshock 2.

Okay maybe that's not a lot...but some of those are time consuming.
Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Pokemon Y and ACNL.

Recently finished chapter 4 in The Wolf Among Us and gah that cliffhanger!
I'm currently playing Animal Crossing New Leaf! I'm visiting people's dream towns so I can review them c:

God, New Leaf is the most addictive game EVER. I love it! <3