Do you think it's okay? Do you think it's not? Why/why not?
Also, what do you think of the censoring of it?
For me, personally, when I read people cussing on here with the censors I still hear the actual word in my head, so I don't really get why it even gets censored. I don't know why it would be banned if when I read and see '***' I think of the word anyways.
While I don't mind cussing in front of friends or with myself, I find it disrespectful in front of strangers or parents. That's just me though.
Meh, I'm totally fine with it, it just has to be within reason and with your surroundings and the current circumstances of the situation in mind. I mean, there are some obvious situations where cursing is a no-go, but other than that I honestly don't care.
As for censorship, I guess it helps on here to make it more user-friendly, prevent arguments and conflicts, and help more sensitive users have more ease navigating around, so I guess it helps, even though it's practically saying it.
Hey, that's just my thoughts on it
I don't like cursing IRL or online, I prefer the sillier alternatives. And if I do curse online publicly or on a post I always censor it out myself manually, tbh I didn't even know there was a filter here because I never tried posting something with a curse word. xD
I used to curse a lot when I was younger, but it was really only when I was with friends and joking around. Sometimes a curse word will still slip out of my mouth IRL, but the very mild more casual ones (like the S word or F word). I notice immediately afterward and feel so bad & trashy. My parents curse a lot so I picked it up from them a young age.
And If Im really angry about something ill curse in a chat online without censoring it just to get my point across how flipping mad/upset I am!!
I don't mind if other people curse, Unless they're cursing at me.... Lol. And there are some words I believe should never be used such as derogatory/racial slurs towwards another person. ANyone who uses them is immediately scum in my eyes
Personally I don't give one if people use them, it's most of the time nothing personal and sometimes you need something stronger if you're made or annoyed. I can see some of the harsher degrading ones being censored on sites though that you shouldn't use, but just poop equivalent and those things.. well everyday language.
I actually pre-censor my own posts if I'm using swear words just because I know not everyone likes reading it and also because there are youngens on here
Some words I don't think necessarily need censoring but I've never used them other than irl
But that's coming from me the trashy northern brit ha
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I forgot to add I'm a potty mouth irl - it goes without saying when you are from Manchester really
I curse often on the internet, but not at all in real life mostly because I'm 900% sure my parents would flip lol the whole "i did not raise you to speak like that!!"
I agree though, they're alright to a certain extent, just not in front of peers, adults or even children.
I'm pretty sure most kids nowadays curse so censoring doesn't.. really work, but it's a good precaution either way?
I'm not one for just swearing randomly or use it in every other sentence. I only use it to emphasize a point when I'm emotionally annoyed/affected. And generally only around close friends. For the most part, I try to censor myself, especially in front of minors. It isn't because I don't think they swear (because I know a lot of teens do), but more of a social etiquette.
Then again, I'm from Australia, where we can use the same swear word as a term of endearment, as an insult, as an emphasis, and as a marking astonishment.
Also yeah my mouth/typing is usually way worse than on here so yeah.. that's just me I guess. I don't direct them at anyone nor using degrading/racist/whatever-phobic slur ones though.
I don't mind it that much, since there are some young TBT members active on here and I don't think it would be a good idea to have those members see them words everywhere on the Forum. D:
I could give two ****s less if anyone swears in front of me. I have been watching south park since I was a tot (ya ya ik). I am pretty foul but I still know right from wrong and know not to say these things to others..
now following those standards is a whole new story.... maybe i will get to that another day LMFAO ****
Well I guess they need to have censor since there are very young people, but to be honest I wish site restrictions and laws with those could be a bit.. loosened. I mean we are exposed to a lot everywhere nowadays, and just censoring things that are not slurs or degrading etc. (like those harsh real bad words) is a bit too much... sometimes Idk you don't wanna be neopets I guess.
And not all the people know every English accent and its many slang expression either so yeah at least if you don't go warn people that obviously don't have English as their first language I guess *shrug*
And yeah I try not to cuss in front of children that are like, 5-6 and above cause they learn fast.. or I just use a different language IRL lol. And not in church either but I'm hardly there so.
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And yeah in general than just forbid you should explain that you should not use slurs at all and cuss words only in certain situations or whatever than just saying "nope you can't just use this" and that's it.
If you just forbid and then tell afterwards it's not good then it's not gonna help at all.
I swear a lot, but not in front of strangers of clients of course *edit AND CHILDREn lol. Friends who know me know I have a big potty mouth. I blame my dad, the times I saw him as a kid he'd swear nonstop and just shout profanity randomly. In college my professors also swore, which I thought was strange, but that also made me think it's "okay" to swear and start a bad habit. I'm trying not to swear as much but man it just rolls off the tongue when I'm ranting lmao.
I swear a lot irl. my parents' first language isn't english, and sometimes they use certain swear words to substitute words they don't know (which is kind of... questionable?? now that I think about it lmao, I'm just glad they don't do it in public P). usually I'll use them when I'm joking around with friends and stuff, but if I get really frustrated a couple might slip out, even if I'm with people I don't know very well :,,,D I'll rarely swear online (again, unless I'm texting friends or smth), usually because a) I don't get angry/frustrated online too often, and b) if I do, it's usually better if I don't express it (god forbid anyone see those rant-y, angERII email exchanges with my classmates from a couple years back, ohhhhhhhh god). but yeah - imo as long as you're not intentionally trying to hurt anyone, there's nothing wrong with it!
I rarely swear. My feelings on it in general are neutral. Sometimes I find it offensive, inappropriate or trashy and other times I find it funny, well-used or fitting. It depends on the context.