D/P's New Attacks; the strategic side


total a-hole
Jun 19, 2005
This topic is only for us intelligent Pokemon users out there. *Good luck with that, Pokefab.*

Hey everyone. Here, I'll post a list of D/P's new attacks; you can discuss which of them pose the most strategic capabilites in your opinion. By this, I mean no 7 year old children talking about which one 'sounds' the coolest, or 'looks' the coolest.

Meteoric Swarm ? 140 ? The user's Special Attack sharply falls ?
Heart Swap ? ? ? ? Stat Effects are swapped between all Pok
Anticipate- I can see this move being severly overused against myself. I have WAY too many attacks. :lol:

Trouble Seed- This would be very useful. You couldn't put the enemy to sleep, but you could get rid of all those particularly nasty Abilities, like.... ok, I can't think of any right now, but it WILL Be useful!


Poison Barb- So, it's like Spikes, only it poisons you? Pretty cool.

First Hit- Need to wipe out that Pokemon that has a tiny bit of energy left, but that can easily kill you? Here's the answer!


Meteoric Swarm- A Dragon-type Overheat. Oh crud....

Those are the things that jump out at me. They all sound cool, though!
Deffinetly First Hit. Sometimes, to train my level 5s, I'll put them up against weak lvl 30s, and sometimes they die against that, so FH will give me poor lvl 5s a break.


Nature Spurt also seems cool, but I couldn't see myself using it.


Discharge will be great in team matches..

Manekko would be sweet, seeing as Pokemon's HP grows with their level and attack strength, so facing a higher level would be easier.