(Get her to go back and read the note! Seriously, if not then I won't have anything to do with Janaff for a while XD)
- - - Post Merge - - -
I start to make a woven basket out of straw. I was going to go out and collect food with it, but I carved Ahri's face into it. I threw it away, trying not to look at it and started again. I did that over and over again, until instead of just Ahri I sewed in all my friends.
I began to have a longing in my heart, that was ready to explode. And if it did, it would be a nasty mess.
Shinji returned back to Ahri's tree, looking up to see if she was there.
The Lion Laguz couldn't see her, so he tossed up an apple, having it land up on the branch.
Shinji assumed the fox Laguz must be hungry, as she probably hadn't ate in a bit.
Daemon approached his brother, Damien.
"Hey, brother." he greeted, wishing to speak with him.
Things felt strange and kind of sad around the Fairy Village now, with the Laguz gone, Miriam dead, things just seemed different.
Of course, he'd have to get used to this feeling. The Laguz couldn't come back, and now that Syndra was going to become the leader, things would probably pick up again.
I joined bluraichus roleplay. As much as these rps we've all been in fail it's still fun roleplaying with all of you i hope you'll all consider trying hers out.
(Have you thought about drawing this to a conclusion? Then we wouldn't feel as bad for not posting. To be honest, I think people just need a break. I know I do, I did it for many nights in a row and now I just need a few days rest :3)