Daily Message Bottles Not Spawning.

That's great news! I'm glad they're showing up for you again. What kind of rock was it? Maybe I have something similar on my beach I could check?
for me it was between one of the big stone plates on top of the beach and another one that's right under it on my island
so 2 stone plates right next to each other where you don't see what's between them when you're just running up & down the beach
Hey guys!

I haven't seen anyone post about this after doing a search through the forums first (unless I missed it), but has anyone else been having issues with the daily message bottle on the beach not showing up? I do quite a bit of time traveling, but never for weeks or months in a single leap. Usually I will complete all my tasks for the day, do some work on the island, villager greeting, send letters, etc. Play for a good solid 3-5 hours before moving ahead 16 or so hours to the next day.

Just recently (the past 5 days with no time traveling) I haven't received any message bottles on the beach. I've scoured everywhere, even behind the coconut trees to make sure, but nothing. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm starting to become concerned that I won't see another bottle - or perhaps that TTing may have bugged or broken the mechanic. Any input?
Em... I had the same issue and just figured it out. It might be your case as well. It turns out that there is a bug right now where the bottle can spawn under the furnitures or items that are displayed too close to the water. And if you don’t pick up that bottle, no new bottle will ever spawn. (When it is under, you cannot see it...)
I found my bottle under the shark tank that I displayed near the water... it was UNDER THE SHARK TANK!?!? I was shocked.....
So, if you have anything that is placed near the water, you might want to check underneath it.
I literally got the same exact DIY from the exact same place on the beach two days in a row
Hey guys!

I haven't seen anyone post about this after doing a search through the forums first (unless I missed it), but has anyone else been having issues with the daily message bottle on the beach not showing up? I do quite a bit of time traveling, but never for weeks or months in a single leap. Usually I will complete all my tasks for the day, do some work on the island, villager greeting, send letters, etc. Play for a good solid 3-5 hours before moving ahead 16 or so hours to the next day.

Just recently (the past 5 days with no time traveling) I haven't received any message bottles on the beach. I've scoured everywhere, even behind the coconut trees to make sure, but nothing. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm starting to become concerned that I won't see another bottle - or perhaps that TTing may have bugged or broken the mechanic. Any input?

hey, I thought this had happened to me but luckily I found one was actually behind a box that I had on the beach! Maybe it’s hidden somewhere behind something
Make sure you clear the ground. If you put furniture near the ocean line, it could have despawned the bottle at some point creating a dead spot. Maybe forcing the game to think it still exists. This dead spot bug has not been mentioned by Nintendo or anyone else, so I assume it's still not fixed
They never don't spawn in my experience, but they do have a habit of being hard to find, you have to check every nook and cranny, I think they usually take up a shell spot so I don't think over crouding your beach with furniture would prevent one showing up, not sure.
I wish mine would stop.

Between my wife's character and mine, we usually get four a day.
I’m getting a bottle everyday and sometimes when I visit the rare island I always get the bottle there as well, Normally most of the diys I found duplicates though