Hey guys!
I haven't seen anyone post about this after doing a search through the forums first (unless I missed it), but has anyone else been having issues with the daily message bottle on the beach not showing up? I do quite a bit of time traveling, but never for weeks or months in a single leap. Usually I will complete all my tasks for the day, do some work on the island, villager greeting, send letters, etc. Play for a good solid 3-5 hours before moving ahead 16 or so hours to the next day.
Just recently (the past 5 days with no time traveling) I haven't received any message bottles on the beach. I've scoured everywhere, even behind the coconut trees to make sure, but nothing. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm starting to become concerned that I won't see another bottle - or perhaps that TTing may have bugged or broken the mechanic. Any input?