Vick giggled. "Oh that is very funny. I wish I could punch you too." He said in happy but scary Russian accent."You'd have to be pretty silly to trust your sibling... When I was younger, my sister would tell me to close my eyes and I'd get a surprise. Then she'd punch me," ella chipped in. "Though she would buy me chocolate the next day, so it's all good," she added.
(Brownie points if anyone gets the reference in there.)
"Don't be a b*stard, hamster boy," Jonathan said, feeling more confident about yelling at him when they were seperated by quite a few people and podiums. Can't they all just shut up? Everyone is too noisy...
Vick gave a death glare to Jonathan, eyes wide and piercing. "Say that again and it will be all of us trying to work out who murdered you next." Vick said, stroked one of his hamsters heads popping out his scarf then giggled.
Vcik smiled at the girl. "That's my specialty."
Anju crossed her arms and thought. "Ohhhhhh could it of been the table?"Miranda
Ia could be the killer, but we're all afraid of being falsely accused. She could just be not good at hiding it. But if she's the killer, she's not very good at hiding it either.
"That table did it!... Can we please just say the table so no one has to die? I really don't like people dying..." Jordan didn't really realize accusing a table would make people think it was him. He nervously chewed on some chips he brought.
"It wasn't me! I'm telling you!" I begged, pleading for my life.