Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (Open!)

"Wow..!" U nudged K with her elbow again, a strange gleam in her eye. "Here that..?" She asked, excitement unwillingly seeping into her voice.
K took a step back. "Not wow. Not wow at all." He looked her up and down, as if she had transformed into someone else.
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"It's not as simple as just simply 'killing' someone, you have to get away with it too!" He said with excitement. "Once a student is murdered, we all hold a class trial! I love class trials they are so fun! Basically, to leave the island you need to kill someone, and then get away with it!"
"What? So we have a trial? Cool!"
"Yeah! Once a murder has taken place, a class trial will be held. In the trial the students must discuss and try to solve who killed the victim. If the class finds the right person guilty, the murderer will be ‘executed’ by Monokuma. But if the wrong person is found guilty, I will execute everyone besides the killer, giving the murderer the right to leave Hope's Peak Academy!"


Miranda had to admit, this sounded pretty cool. Miranda was pretty sneaky person, and maybe she could get away with...
She quickly stopped, why was she thinking like this? This wasn't her. She never liked people, but she never wanted to kill anyone...


Jordan wasn't listening, he was still crying.
"I see. So what does this 'trial' consist of?"
"I will be the judge, everyone will be in the trial room and you all have to work out who murdered who, how and why! If you work together well, and choose the right person (the murderer) then they get executed and you all get back to your mutual killing life. BUT if you all don't work out who the killer is and vote for the wrong person, then everyone except the killer dies!"
I collapsed and fell to the floor.

"So where do we sleep?"
Wait... Was that thing serious? Sure, I wanted to escape, but was I willing to kill someone...? I don't know. I'm honestly so confused right now...
She turned around and saw Amethyst crying. She knelt down to her height. "Hey don't cry, it's going to be okay." Jasper wiped away her tears. Then she picked up Amethyst and put Ame on her shoulders.

She stopped crying. Once she was ontop of Jasper's shoulders she felt so tall. Wow! This is so cool!

She then turned around and looked at the bear again.
Miranda decided that she did have to have a different mentality to keep her own life. But, she would figure out who to murder later, because if she started looking around now it would be too obvious.


*Jordan is crying nonstop until I say otherwise*
Monokuma clapped his hands and the doors of the room unlocked. "You are all free to go around the school and explore as you please! The exits are all locked so don't even try! I have made room for bedrooms for everone around the building on the 3rd floor! Haaaaaaaave fun! Come see me if you want me to explain the rules. There will always be food in the cafe and the pool, gym, class rooms are full of everything they should have, there is no time limit on when someone needs to be killed!"
She ran out of the room with Ame still on her shoulders.

She laughed, "I feel like a bird flying!"
"I'm going to bed. I suggest we all go and get some rest."

"Good idea. Elliot, 'll see you around? Don't die on me!

So, we could just stay here forever in peace and not kill anyone, but then we'd never be able to go out again... Huh.


Jordan managed to regain control of his emotions, once he realized that no one had to be killed, although they'd have to stay here forever. He went down to the cafeteria to see what there was to eat.
"Well then..." I mumbled. "So, what's everyone's names?"

I laughed. "Don't worry. I'll try not to die." I walked off as well. Sleep would do me good. I know that I could kill someone if I tried. They tough part is not getting caught... No. Don't even contemplate killing someone. That's messed ip. This place is messing with my brain...
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(You all know how everything works then? I have it all on the front, remember if you want to kill another persons character, PM them about it, don't just do it XD also if you murder someone be aware they will be executed in the class trial so the RP can continue!)
"Jasper I'm hungry, can we go to the cafeteria?" She asked Jasper.

"All right, hopefully the food is free." She ran to the cafeteria.