Drew followed the others out, stopping outside next to Jacob who was sat against the wall with his face in his knees. "Jacob, buddy, we've got to go..."
After a few moments, Jacob reluctantly got up and followed Drew to catch up with the others.
"B-But who would want to kill Hiro? He was always happy and full of life, why would anyone want to kill him?" Zoe asked. Chev shrugged. "Maybe someone had a personal grudge against him."
"The motive is not what we should be thinking about right now." Helena started pushing her glasses up. "Why? Because you were the one with the biggest grudge against him out of all of us?" Frances raised an eybrow.
"What'd be wrong with thinking about the motive? That would mean we'd have a reason to why Hiro was killed, which would narrow down the list of suspects considerably."
"If you object so badly to thinking about the motive first, what should we be thinking about instead?"
Helena looked at the group seriously, with a stern look. "In regards to the motive, we have no clues to show why exactly he was killed yet, do we?" Helena crossed her arms. "Instead, we should focus on the information we do have and solve those mysteries first. For example the black out, how did that happen?" Frances made a little noise. "Pfft. I still think you had the biggest motive... But fine. How did the black out start?"
Frances tilted her head. "Maybe one of them pulled the power breaker, if they found one." Chev spoke up. "Hey! If I remember, there was a big black box at the top of the room in the office when I was cleaning around before hand. I think that was the power breaker!"
Helena looked angry for a second, knowing people started to suspect her. "Well-" "We found two knives under the table. We also found nightvision goggles... Helena could have put them on and snuck in during the black out, and killed Hiro!" "She hated Hiro after he caught her banging Fallen Iron! Not only do you have the motive, but also the weapons and the way the blackout was caused! It has to be you!" "Yeah! Helena is the killer!" "It makes so much sense, and I know we should have told you guys earlier... But me and Chev recieved this note in our room when we woke up this morning..." Frances said, holding up a letter. Chev spoke what the letter said. "I will kill someone tonight at the party." Chev crossed her arms. "Thats why I body checked everyone, because me and Frances knew something like this would happen. Never would I have thought it would have been Helena who killed Hiro!"
Helena looked even more angry, before returning calm again. "But-"
"Exactly, she killed Hiro!"
"No-" "It's all her fault!" "..." Zoe looked upset, but she thought long and hard to herself, trying to find anyother clues to show other wise.
After the others shut up, Helena cleared her throat to speak. "I did not cause the blackout. If you paid even the slightest attention to the crime scene at all, you would know that this murder was clearly planned out, and if I was in the office, I would simply not have had enough time to get there and back. Also, if you noticed the circuit breaker in the office, you could see it was far to high up the wall for someone of my stature to reach." "You could have stood on Fallen Iron's shoulders-"
"Don't be stupid, if I did that, he would have known about it and confessed it was me by now." "But-"
"And finaly, how would I have known that Hiro was in the hall with you guys, I heard Drew and Gunter go past the office door, Hiro could have simply gone off too." Zoe looked like she wanted to say something, but she was too shy.
"Now if you are all done being idiots, lets get back on track."
"Wow, that, uh... That was a hell of a speech there. So if it wasn't you," Kimberly started, though she still wasn't totally convinced, "Doesn't that put us entirely back to square one?"
"So what about Drew and Gunter then, if Helena heard them go past the door?"
"I ws too busy trying to find atowel to dry my face. That German *sshole over there thought it would be funny to stick my head into the toilet and flush."