Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

(I've asked Ben which he wants his characters to be and he's chose two)
"Well, I'll guess we will start with the girls! And if the boy wants to match with the prince of that Princess, we will do that!"
"I WANNA BE BELLE!!!!!!!" Zoe screamed in her scary voice. "Y-you know... Cos she's my favourite is all... Ssshhhhh..." Zoe went cute again.
"That'd make Gunter the beast? That seems quite appropriate, actually."

"Dibs on Snow White then. With the apple, food is her downfall. It'll probably be mine eventually."
"Mwhahahahahahhah! Yes I am ze beast! I can destroy you all!" Gunter laughed. "I've never seen ze movie... Does he kill everyvone?" Gunter laughed like a mad man.
Helena shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure which one I want to be..."
"With long blonde hair and green eyes, you would look great as Rapunzel."
"Awwwww, are you sure it's not because you REALLY wanna be Flynn Rider?"
"N-No! Why would you say such a stupid thing!" Fallen Iron said, embarrassed slightly under his helmet.
"I wonder if he's blushing under that helmet right now?" Jacob wondered aloud, glancing over at Fallen Iron.

"He's right though, Helena, you're perfect for Rapunzel."
" I suppose I will be Rapunzel then." Helena said in her formal voice.
"I-I'm not." Fallen Iron said accused. "But... I am very glad you made that choice Helena." Fallen Iron said. "Yesssssssssss."
"Hmmmmmm, who should I be... Oh! I wanna be Jasmine she's pretty cool and stuff and there is magic in that film so it suits me I guess! Also she's hot!"
Helena nodded. "I've only read the original Little Mermaid but that was messed up compared to the Disney movie."
Zoe looked shocked. "What? What are they like Jacob?"
"Senpai you are so knowledgeable! Tell me!"
"Disney made them a hell of a lot tamer so they could show them to kids. In the original Rapunzel story, for example," Jacob said, glancing at Helena who had chosen to be Rapunzel. "The prince falls out of the tower and accidentally pokes his eyeballs out in a thorn bush. Oh, and that's after he gets her pregnant."
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"Sounds fun." Fallen Iron says hardly phased. (That was what Ben told me to say after I told him the story XD)
Helena looked a little shocked. "Oh dear!"
"Eep! Oh no that sounds awful!"
"Wow that's so cooooool!"
"Ew... What about Snow White?" Kimberly asked, curious about the princess she picked.

"I've read two versions of this one, I can't remember which one was written first. One of them mostly follows the Disney plot except at the end, the Queen is punished for trying to kill Snow White by being forced to wear white hot metal shoes that burned her feet and dance until she died. In the other, Snow White ends up as someone's slave when she wakes up after the apple and she's basically tortured."

"Jesus Christ... I expected it to be messed up but that's insane..."
"Aladdin wasn't too bad, actually. I mean, one of the characters was killed and dismembered, but it was just Aladdin's dad. No one knew who he was anyway because Disney cut him out entirely."
"Belle's isn't too bad either, really. She has two stepsisters that don't like her, kinda like in Cinderella, and they keep trying to make the beast angry so he eats Belle. I don't think it works though, I can't remember. It's been a while since I read that one. I think Kimberly got the most gruesome one of the princesses you picked."
"I'm going to eat you rawwwwwr!!!!!!" Gunter tried to bite Zoe playfully. "Mwhahahahahahhah roar!"
"Nuuuuu eeeeeepppp don't eat me!"
"Now that we've picked princesses, are we gonn get all dressed up?" Kimberly asked, watching Gunter and Zoe with amusement. Shame there's only three boys, I can't have a prince...
"HEY HEY HEY! I haven't picked mine yet! Oh well, we will leave that as a surprise! Go find a mono-makeup-bot and they will help you get changed and give you all the make up and hairstyling you need! Uphuhpu!" Monokuma laughed.
Helena walked over to her robot. "So how do these work-Hey! Ouch!' The robot pulled her along sharply by the arm towards a dressing table.
"Oh yeah! I forgot to say, the robots have different personailty cores so some will be nicer than others hehe!"
Zoe went over to hers and it picked her up like a Princess and carried her to the changing room.
Gunter looked jealous of the robot, snearing at it as it took Zoe way.
Kimberly approached her robot cautiously, slightly worried how hers would react after Helena got a bad one. It offered her it's arm and led her away from the group to get dressed up. ...I think I'd rather the aggressive one than this gallant guy...
Frances was picked up and carried over the shoulder of the robot. "Hey! Put me down!"
Fallen Iron did not trust the robots but went with it anyway.
Gunter walked off with his laughing with the robot.