Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

"Yeahhhhh when he's been reading that book!" Fallen Iron laughed. "Hey, can I borrow that once you're finished, I don't care for the story, I just want to learn some new moves!"
Helena was in such deep thought she didn't even hear him.
"No offence, Jacob," Kimberly said in his direction before turning back to Frances, "but I don't think innocence and fifty shades are compatible."
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"So tell me Jacob, have any advice I could use to spice up the bedroom life!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I'm gunna sleep now, good night the trial will probs finish tomorrow)
Jacob looked up at Fallen Iron, his cheeks tinged red. "...If it'll make this conversation end any earlier, I'll just give you the book..." he muttered.
"Anyway back on topic... So she bled to death, that mus have really really hurt. How come she didn't scream?"
"She had what looked like bits of tape left on her mouth, the killer must have ripped it off after she died."
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"Well... Wait, remember, she screamed when we saw the fire right? Gunter recognised her voice! Wat... So she was alive during the fire? So... The killer hadn't killed her at that point... But everyone was together then!"
"Maybe she bled out when we tried to put out the fire?"
"Are we sure it was the bleeding that killed her? The killer would have to be absolutely sure she'd be dead before we managed to put the fire out, otherwise she'd be able to tell us who did it..."
"...I am so confused..."
"Maybe the killer thought she was dead, but she was just unconcious."
"I don't care! I just vant to know who killed her!"
Helena looked as if she had finished thinking, but restrained herself from talking.
"I think the motive is key here... If we find out why someone would kill her, we would proably have the answer!"
"And now we're back to the start again. We don't know if anyone had an argument with her, no one od enough of an *ss to kill her over the gender thing plus some of us didn't even know that anyway, and Zoe is generally too nice a person for anyone to kill her for no reason..."
"We keep going around in circles... With no ideas..."
Helena pushed her glasses up. "I...I have an idea...But...It's...Very illogical..."
"I was thinking about the rules. There is no rule that states that Monokuma can't kill people." Helena gave a deathly glare towards the bear.
"M-Me! H-How dare you accuse me! I'm a cute bear!"
"You're a bear, but you're certainly not cute..." Kimberly muttered. "...Not to be the devil's advocate here, but why would he kill her? I though he liked making us kill eachother instead, wouldn't killing someone himself take all the 'fun' out of it?"
Helena nodded. "That's why it's so illogical. But think about it, where was monokuma the whole time in the haunted house? I saw him go in with you Kimberly, but when we found you, he wasn't there."
"Good point... he was gone by the time I found a light switch in the freezer room. He didn't come back till near the end."