Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Kimberly looked over at Frances for the first time since she started fighting, and spotted Junko's knife. "What? We can't just leave you here, you'll get killed! She has a weapon, you don't! You can't die now that we know we'll be rescued soon..."
Frances screamed at the person talking to her, smashing Junko in the face with her fist. "I need to avenge Jacob Senpai!" She shouted. "I'll keep her distracted in case she tried anything!" Frances ripped out a small chunk of Junkos hair. "I need to do this for Jacob...and for the others... I CAN'T LET HER GET AWAY WITH IT!"
Gunter grabbed Kimberly by the arm. "Ve need to go, now!"
Helena nodded, Fallen Iron ahead of everyone.
Kimberly hesitated for a moment, but nodded, and went out with the others. I hope you make it, Frances, she thought, even though she doubted she would, not when fighting Junko, whatever the motivation.
Fallen Iron pulled out his sword from his sheath, in case they were to be attacked and gestured everyone into the lift. "Everyone, get in!" He had to shout over the load blaring alarms.
Junko had managed to deliver a hard punch to Frances, knocking Frances off her, then quickly got to her feet, placing her foot over Frances head to stop her getting up. She faced the people trying to escape. "GET BACK HERE! DON'T GO! DON'T RUIN MY GAME!"
Junko screamed angrily at them, kicking Frances while she was down and running towards the lift with her knife out. "I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE!" Junkos eyes literally went red with rage as she charged for the group.
Helena, Gunter and Fallen Iron got into the lift, hitting the button for the lift to leave. Helena kept pressing, even though it didn't matter how many times she pressed it. Junko was getting close. "Stupid thing work!"
Junko reached the entrance and moved her arm up to go stab the closest person she could reach.
Frances grabbed Junkos arm, having managed to catch up to her after the hits she had taken. Frances had managed to stop anyone being hurt by the blade, but was once again fighting Junko as the lift doors started to close.
"Frances! You'd better kick her *ss and make it out to join us," Kimberly shouted as the lift doors were closing.
Frances growled, clawing at Junko's face when she felt the blade cut into her left side just as the doors shut.
"Frances!" Helena shouted, but the doors where shut and all she could hear was yelling and screaming as they moved upwards.
"I hope she makes it out..." Kimberly said quietly, though deep down she knew it was highly unlikely that Frances would be able to beat Junko. She looked up at the ceiling, trying not to pay attention to the commotion below as they went up, wishing she had some gum left as a distraction.
Gunter tutted. "Don't be silly, zere is no vay."
Helena hugged onto Fallen Irons arm and felt the elevato reach a stop on the final floor. She stood back a little, unsure what would be behind the doors.
The doors open and they can see the island looks a lot darker than usual, Helena can hear Alter Egos voice over the intercom Monokuma used for announcements.
"All students go to the hotel roof top for evacuation, I repeat all students go to the roof- t-t-top f-oooooor..."
Helena narrowed her brow. "The signal it's breaking up, Monokuma must be trying to regain control!"
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Helena ran across the island with the others, running towards the hotel. She looked at the roof. "There is a helicopter up there!"
"We need to get up zere!" Gunter said.
"Yes, I've been up there several times." Fallen Iron noted.
Helena open e the door and started to run up the stairs with the others.
Kimberly followed the others up the stairs, resisting the urge to look back to see if Frances was following them. She knew she wouldn't be, which was why she wouldn't look. No need to have hope just to instantly smash it.
Helena was half way up the stairs when she heard a voice over the intercom.
"GET BACK HERE! GET BACK- B-BaAAAAaaaaaaaaACkkkkk here r-ri-ght now!" Junko was screaming over the intercom, then connection not very strong. In the actual trial room, Junko had Frances under her boot, clawing at her leg, but unable to move. Over the intercom the girls screaming in pain could be heard.
Frances felt her head slowly being crushed by the boot, she closed her eyes and thought about her love. "I tried my best....... Jacob-" SPLAT!!!
Frances' head burst and cracked into a bloody mess under Junko's boot which could be heard over the intercom. "WOOOOW! It popped like a balloon!"

*Frances is dead*
Kimberly stopped, and looked back in the direction of the trial room. "Oh my God..." She muttered. "That's awful..."
Helena looked a little disturbed by the sound.
Fallen Iron took her arm and helped her run up the stairs, now near the top. "We need to keep moving forward!"