"Long story..." I reply. "Anyway, where have you been? You've been gone for ages!"
We both enter the aura room.
"Hey everyone."
"Hi." I glanced at Misa.
(Um... I left to go to see the others downstairs...)
(Wut, does Taylor have a crush on Cindra?)
(Yes, it's called Cintay, but rn it looks like Feindra will conquer.)
(Okay, I'm back. Also Lithia, THE SHIPS WILL NEVER SINK... *cough* Apart from Cintay *cough*)
I turn to see a girl join us, I hadn't seen her here before. "Hey, I'm James, Misa's brother." I say introducing myself.
(Ey, Lily is #forever alone as well)
(All aboard the Tayily?)