Dark Veil (Roleplay)

I peek from the cushions. "Cindra, you're alive!" I run over and hug her, not caring that Fein was present.
I let go of him, and step back. "I couldn't just let you die.." I say, fumbling with words.
I let go of him, and step back. "I couldn't just let you die.." I say, fumbling with words.

"Um..." Suddenly, I flash into reality. Fein is going to kill me. I whisper, "Is Fein going to kill me now, or what?" It was more of hiss than a whisper.
"He will probably rip your head off." I giggle slightly at Taylor. I look briefly at my clothes, my wounds had healed when I was brought back to like, but my clothes were stained red from blood still. "I should change." I say, still a little weak.
"I will help you to your room." I tell Alex as I support her as she walks. I turn to Cindra as we leave and whisper to her. "Seriously, thank you."
I silently take my sword, and follow her. Fein isn't going to flat out accuse me in front of Cindra...is he?
I head to the garden to clear my head.
I like Fein.
I like Taylor.
But I like Fein.
But I like Taylor!
Argh! I don't know what to do...I nearly died in the past hour.
(Also Purpl is busy ejecting his SDCard...that he put in backwards.)
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