Dark Veil (Roleplay)

We walk up a few more steps, and eventually come to a large Sphinx statue. It was a sitting lion with a woman's face and large eagle wings. There is no door. "Is this…it?"
"Wonderful idea, Taylor. Let's just tear the thing apart, and not get in. Perhaps there is a riddle." I say.
"It'll probably kill you, which I have no problems with..." I mumble under my breath.
"Maybe we could try to use magic? Obviously tearing it apart would be a bad idea, it might make the whole thing collapse, and if there's a riddle for s dissolve it doesn't seem to have presented it..."
( I'll be the sphinx )

The sphinx suddenly opens its eyes, and yawns.

"What opens at the close
What is drowned in souls
Run by a man
As dark as night
Eternal doom
And eerie light"
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"Maybe we could try to use magic? Obviously tearing it apart would be a bad idea, it might make the whole thing collapse, and if there's a riddle for s dissolve it doesn't seem to have presented it..."
I look back at Alex, and mouth the words, "I've never met someone who was such an idiot." I then turn to Misa and say, "Try it."