Trading Date Trading Glam Bunny Balloon OR Cool Bunny Balloon

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tequila sunrise
Jan 5, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Blue Star Fragment
Cool Bunny Balloon
Glam Bunny Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Aurora Sky
100% (20) +
Hello! I'm looking to date trade a Glam Bunny balloon which is BEFORE August 24th 12:05pm, OR a Cool Bunny balloon which AFTER September 6th 4:35pm. If you have either one of these please let me know if you would be willing to DT either! thank you :)

My Glam Bunny Balloons are: September 6th 4:35pm
My Cool Bunny Balloon is: August 24th 12:05pm
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My glam bunny is from August 22nd! I'm willing to date trade it if you're still looking
My glam bunny is from August 22nd! I'm willing to date trade it if you're still looking
OMG oak that would be so slay 😍 yes please if that's OK!! let me know if you'd like a message and I'll send it over (I might go to sleep before I see this LOL but I'll send tomorrow)

Oh also I forgot to put this in OP (I've edited now) but to clarify Glam Bunny Balloons are: September 6th 4:35pm! if that's still OK let me know :)
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Reactions: oak
OMG oak that would be so slay 😍 yes please if that's OK!! let me know if you'd like a message and I'll send it over (I might go to sleep before I see this LOL but I'll send tomorrow)

Oh also I forgot to put this in OP (I've edited now) but to clarify Glam Bunny Balloons are: September 6th 4:35pm! if that's still OK let me know :)
No message needed for me! I'll send mine now, no worries if you don't get back to me until tomorrow
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