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Day 411 - 23 is Number One


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Quite a few notable things happened in Storrs today, so let's dive right in, shall we?

First of all, Whitney was right outside of our houses as usual. She told me that Colton had asked her to get him something, so she went out and bought it. So Buck's suspicions of Whitney and Colton being all buddy-buddy just might be true! Since she was acting all shy about it, I offered to make the delivery for her. I found Colton rather quickly; He was behind the plaza, where I first pass by on my usual patrol route. I handed the package over to him and he was very happy to receive the Jester Shirt he asked for. He put it on right away and, though not as nice as his Blue Ringmaster Coat, I had to admit that it didn't look entirely THAT bad.

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I'm pretty sure Colton would look good in anything, though. ;)
He thanked me with a Wheat Field and I ran the short way's back home to tell Whitney he liked his gift.

Carrying on with patrol, I noticed that Chief was home again today. I hope my little buddy isn't coming down with anything! He seemed fine, though; Just told me that Fang stopped by to visit him (again?) and said he could decorate better. I told him I would try to find something for him at the shops today. I also noticed that he displayed the Paulownia Closet he wanted from me so badly yesterday, and even moved his Sunflower over on top of it. It looks so lovely.

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Back south again, I found Felicity out behind her house and she came running over to me. She suggested that we build a Bell in Storrs. Again with the PWPs, Felicity! This is like the FOURTH one she has suggested since Deirdre moved here. JUST ONE, DEIRDRE. That's all I ask. ;-;

Speaking of Deirdre, I spotted a dig spot outside of her house and unearthed a time capsule. I stashed it away with my letters to give to the ditsy deer whenever I found her.

After finishing my patrol in the usual fashion, I found Buck behind Re-Tail. He suggested we hang out at my place later for some bro-ladybro bonding. Since the arrival of Colton, I've been trying to give my Buckaroo some extra special attention so he won't start thinking I'm falling head-over-heels for his new horse rival. So even though Buck wanted to set a time for our appointment, I conceded and gave him a time that I knew I would be available for a chillout: lunchtime.

At T&T Emporium, I made certain to purchase the two fortune cookies in stock today. The first one was #28 ("Cannons are much like toasters...") that I had just gotten the other day. So I guessed I was getting another Bill Blaster. The second, though, was #44: "Garlic is not a substitute for personal hygiene." I had no idea what that one could have been alluding to, but after receiving a Bad Bro's Stache from Tommy in exchange, I had to say that made a lot of sense.

Patrol and shopping done, there were a few last things I needed to do. First I needed to find Deirdre. I went home and fished my megaphone out of my drawers and called for her outside. No response, so I assumed she must have been doing something across the tracks. I figured I would find her later.

Before long, 12:30 arrived and I made sure to be in my house to hang out with Buck. He showed up right on time and we had fun while I gave him the grand tour. He didn't say much other than all of the ideas he had to turn my home into a gym or otherwise conduct several sporting activities on my furniture. But I was very happy that we had a good time together.

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Later in the day, I finally found Deirdre in her house. I entered and handed her time capsule over to her. She opened it to reveal a Moldy Shirt and a letter saying that she left these 'fancy clothes' to her future self to improve her 'image'...or something like that. Either way, I felt she was incredibly misinformed. Nevertheless, she rewarded me for my detective efforts with...the Moldy Shirt. Gee, thanks. :p

To wrap up my day, I thought I would write a letter to Lolly and send her the Revolving Spice Rack I had ordered for her. She asked me the other day if I could find her something to replace the Yellow Butterfly on her table, and I thought that would do just the trick. I ended up getting the item too late and couldn't give it to her, so mailing it to her would suffice. On my way to the Post Office, I traversed through the forest and noticed Colton was home and obviously had to pay him a visit. I was greeted with a lovely surprise!

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More like a HORSE party. *ba dum tss*

He and Buck were bonding. :') <3
I knew I had good reason to allow Colton a happy residence in town.

He also had displayed the Regal Wall Lamp, which made me happy. In a lovely spot, as well -- on the right wall, towards the back of the room. I'm glad he gave it a try.

Before calling it a night, I remembered something important: Being May 23rd, that meant it would be the birthdays of both Shyloh and Lily, since I gave them the birthdays of my actual half-birthday. (I also just noticed I decided to wear my No. 23 shirt today! xD) It's only easier to remember that way. For both girls, Chief was the hospitable party host, as he was for my own birthday. Buck and Lolly were there to celebrate Shyloh's, also just like my birthday! Lolly and Deirdre were there to celebrate Lily's. I did a little organizing in the new basement of Lily's house that I had ordered yesterday, so hopefully I can get that to looking nice soon.

And that does it for today in my town! I shall continue to share any significant updates as Colton continues to develop relationships with everyone else in town, especially Whitney and Buck. Until next time!



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I love how Colton and Buck are bonding! Seeing two of the same villager species in one town is really satisfying to me. I'm sure Buck and Colton will become great friends! > u <

Happy birthday(s?) to your other characters! And happy half birthday to you too. (´ω`★)
Celebrating birthdays with your favorite villagers is always so nice! Speaking of which, mine is coming up soon! I wonder which three will be at my party...

Ha, it's great to see Buck and Colton getting along so well! I was afraid they might be rivals, but they appear to be on the way to being BFFs! Who knew? :)
Haha, I love Buck's catchphrase. It's nice to see that he's getting along with Colton. One day I'm sure you'll walk in Buck's house to find him teaching Colton how to do push ups. :)