I don't think the issue is introducing new villagers... I think the issue is with NL we didn't have the capability to enjoy more villagers. Typically you had their 10 favorite villagers and then they didn't want them to leave. I understand that, and did it myself, but it didn't give me the opportunity to meet others and I would just get pissed if one left because I had to 16 cycle to get one back... which was bogus.
we need larger caps on amount of villagers and ease in having villagers come in and out. There are so many villagers and I think a major point is meeting multiple of them, but I'm sorry with NL's process it didn't make it easy to enjoy that aspect without huge repercussions.
16 cycle, 10 villagers only, plot resetting.... it was all very tedious to switch one villager.
I think if NH can support 15 villagers, full choice in who goes and who leaves at what time and full choice in where someone goes, maybe even moving someone while still in town. Amiibo support. This will make me more inclined to actually venture to see if I like more villagers lol.
I think a huge part of AC is the villagers and I don't think NL paid too much attention to that. It was still an amazing game, but i think lost that spirit