Deal with it ---> We do not need new villagers in New Horizons

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i have no opinion on whether they'll bring back older non-new leaf villagers or not but i think by "old" they just meant pre-new horizons

From past games.
So e+ is included and because players outside of Japan never got aquatinted with them, nor did Japanese players get them back for the other games, they'll reactive a huge warm welcome from us all. There's no reason not to bring them back.
Does our game need to load all villagers who aren't currently on the map? So they'll be no interference from them taking up space, right? ❤︎(。☌︎ᴗ☌︎。)
From past games.
So e+ is included and because players outside of Japan never got aquatinted with them, nor did Japanese players get them back for the other games, they'll reactive a huge warm welcome from us all. There's no reason not to bring them back.
Does our game need to load all villagers who aren't currently on the map? So they'll be no interference from them taking up space, right? ❤︎(。☌︎ᴗ☌︎。)

I'd really like the villagers I never got to see, added back.
I've seen pictures of some of them and it makes me wonder why they got the axe to begin with.

Old/original villagers would be welcomed.
I'd really like the villagers I never got to see, added back.
I've seen pictures of some of them and it makes me wonder why they got the axe to begin with.

Old/original villagers would be welcomed.

The design for them and colours are so amazing, I don't get it either! No villager should be scrapped, ever!
for me personally, new villagers is one of my favourite things about a new animal crossing game - about 7 have already been confirmed for new horizons and while we may not need them and the pre-existing villagers are good, new ones are always exciting
I don't think the issue is introducing new villagers... I think the issue is with NL we didn't have the capability to enjoy more villagers. Typically you had their 10 favorite villagers and then they didn't want them to leave. I understand that, and did it myself, but it didn't give me the opportunity to meet others and I would just get pissed if one left because I had to 16 cycle to get one back... which was bogus.

we need larger caps on amount of villagers and ease in having villagers come in and out. There are so many villagers and I think a major point is meeting multiple of them, but I'm sorry with NL's process it didn't make it easy to enjoy that aspect without huge repercussions.

16 cycle, 10 villagers only, plot resetting.... it was all very tedious to switch one villager.

I think if NH can support 15 villagers, full choice in who goes and who leaves at what time and full choice in where someone goes, maybe even moving someone while still in town. Amiibo support. This will make me more inclined to actually venture to see if I like more villagers lol.

I think a huge part of AC is the villagers and I don't think NL paid too much attention to that. It was still an amazing game, but i think lost that spirit
I don't think the issue is introducing new villagers... I think the issue is with NL we didn't have the capability to enjoy more villagers. Typically you had their 10 favorite villagers and then they didn't want them to leave. I understand that, and did it myself, but it didn't give me the opportunity to meet others and I would just get pissed if one left because I had to 16 cycle to get one back... which was bogus.

we need larger caps on amount of villagers and ease in having villagers come in and out. There are so many villagers and I think a major point is meeting multiple of them, but I'm sorry with NL's process it didn't make it easy to enjoy that aspect without huge repercussions.

16 cycle, 10 villagers only, plot resetting.... it was all very tedious to switch one villager.

I think if NH can support 15 villagers, full choice in who goes and who leaves at what time and full choice in where someone goes, maybe even moving someone while still in town. Amiibo support. This will make me more inclined to actually venture to see if I like more villagers lol.

I think a huge part of AC is the villagers and I don't think NL paid too much attention to that. It was still an amazing game, but i think lost that spirit

I read somewhere that you can have upto 25 villagers but it must've been a leak because I cannot find the article now! (๑꒪ㅁ꒪๑)
Our starting map is big but we will be able to expand our island - the population will definitely be growing (ؓؒؒؑؑؖؔؓؒؐؐ⁼̴̀ωؘؙؖؕؔؓؒؑؐؕ⁼̴̀ )
25 villagers seems a bit much (and kinda overwhelming) but I'm hoping for more than 10! Between 12-15 or so...
25 villagers seems a bit much (and kinda overwhelming) but I'm hoping for more than 10! Between 12-15 or so...

You would have the freedom to choose. You can decide where villagers live and decide whether you want them to live on your island or not. ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
I'm fine with what we have, but if they ever add bats then I'm 10000000% okay with it! (Please Nintendo, add Bat Villagers!)
I read somewhere that you can have upto 25 villagers but it must've been a leak because I cannot find the article now! (๑꒪ㅁ꒪๑)
Our starting map is big but we will be able to expand our island - the population will definitely be growing (ؓؒؒؑؑؖؔؓؒؐؐ⁼̴̀ωؘؙؖؕؔؓؒؑؐؕ⁼̴̀ )

I would poop myself if it was 25 villagers... I would love it
I hope it can be limited.
I don't want to end up a personal slave like I was in NL.

Eight villagers is enough for me, so I can have an actual life.
I hope it can be limited.
I don't want to end up a personal slave like I was in NL.

Eight villagers is enough for me, so I can have an actual life.

I think it's reasonable to have a cap of 25 villagers but with a limitation set in place so that you, as the player can limit residents to 8 or whichever number within the game cap, but should you wish to expand beyond 8 you are safe in the knowledge that population increase and decrease is a possibility and you are fully in control. I think having a semi large cap like 25 would keep people happy ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
I think it's reasonable to have a cap of 25 villagers but with a limitation set in place so that you, as the player can limit residents to 8 or whichever number within the game cap, but should you wish to expand beyond 8 you are safe in the knowledge that population increase and decrease is a possibility and you are fully in control. I think having a semi large cap like 25 would keep people happy ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

That would be great, as it can be overwhelming.

I like lots of space for landscaping. :)
I just love how animal crossing caters for all ��

I’m greedy and would go for the higher end of that cap. I’m hoping villagers need my permission on where they build but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. That would be too easy now ��
Yea we do not need new villagers in New Horizons cause we are getting new villagers in New Horizons :p
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