Dear nintendo

Lol, I can't believe you guys fell for the WiiNi (Weenie, another term for a man's genitalia, based on the word "Wii" which also refers to a man's genitalia) trick. Anyway

Dear Nintendo:
Please abolish friend codes.
Dear Nintendo,

Thank you for saving gamer children everywhere after Atari got complacent and crappy, and for giving my childhood a yardstick in the form of Donkey Kong high scores. Err... I mean, Super Mario Bros. Ya. I'm totally not a child of the 80's.

P.S.: I totally am.
Dear Nintendo,

Make another Super Smash brothers with WAY MORE SONIC CHARECTERS!!!!!!!! and of course Star Fox, Pokemon, Metal Gear Solid and Earthbound. That would be awesome.
Dear Nintendo,

Please make an RPG that includes all of your greatest franchises. Like a Smash Bros. RPG.
Dear Nintindo,
Please make another blank VS. blank game those are awesome. Or make your first Nintendo VS. game which would be totally sick!
Dear Nintendo,
Stop with the *censored.3.0*ing casual, fire Reggie, put Earthbound on the virtual console, and never give Link a train again, ever.
Dear Nintendo,
stop with all the casuel crap thats killing ur company and the Wii. and u should make SEGA v.s. Nintendo.
Dear nintendo:

Get rid of that stupid Josh guy that always answers the Nintendo Customer service line... he makes wierd noises when looking for stuff...
Strawberries don't come from trees.

Dear nintendo;
please make a zoo game where the animals eat the guests.
because my zoo tycoon wont do that. it must be broken.
Dear Nintendo: Make more people be able to come to my town on Wifi in the next AC. And could you give me a cookie for being good?
Goaliegal49 said:
Dear Nintendo,
stop with all the casuel crap thats killing ur company and the Wii. and u should make SEGA v.s. Nintendo.
Yes! I hope the next Zelda title on the Wii is not some casual piece of crap made for the family. I am glad TP came out before the big casual movement, it was a great game.