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Mafia Death by Design: An Animal Crossing Mafia [day2]

In my opinion, Tom is suspicious but not too suspicious to the point in which we could lynch him.
Looking at him playing his other Mafia games, it seems like he acts rather odd when townie, and mysterious when he's a scum.
He's a dodgy player though, so let's just wait and see what he says.
Looking at everybody else, Tom is the one that stands out to me as the scum, but we have to determine this.
Tom is always weirdly behaved.
Let's just leave it for now.

Btw, could everybody start talking?
This game is s i l e n c e

Slight FOS on chick for this post, it feels a bit funny to me.

Specifically the phrases in bold.

Feels forced, talking for the sake of talking. "Rather odd" and "mysterious" are also rather redundant. What's the difference between "rather odd" and "mysterious" play?? idfk

I really don't think we should NL due to general quietness. But I don't think chick should be lynched either. I'd be fine with voting off an inactive to get the ball rolling, as opposed to modkilling them.
lol omg I thought I would have to do a lot of catching up! hey guys it was independence day yesterday and I was busyyy. sorry for being mia. anyway, right now we probs shouldn't be thinking about lynching tom yet. maybe when we have more info about people's roles (from roleclaims, death) then we can figure out the probability of there being a survivor? idk if I'm making sense.

I have never played with Kallie before but I like her posts so far. not sure what to think of waffles at the moment, issa joke? anyway, there's really not enough posts right now so I hope we can pick it up soon.

also welcome back Fleshy!!
RN I feel we should just let Tom be, ftr

I have never played with Kallie before but I like her posts so far. not sure what to think of waffles at the moment, issa joke? anyway, there's really not enough posts right now so I hope we can pick it up soon.

Like I said earlier, it wouldn't make sense for scum waffles to be WIFOM'ing so intently right now, unless she's just dumb maf and trying to ingratiate herself in with the town by appearing to be joking around. Perhaps a lynch candidate? But I don't think it's lynchworthy tbh...something tells me it's just a joke and she's probably a bored townie.

1. I don't care/ignore it unless i'm being voted up
2. CST
3. Highly experienced but i'm only good as scum xd
4. I'm dumb as either alignment just slightly less dumb as mafia LMAO (but i do make a good jester, which is what i am this game xdddddd)
5. 10:3 or 11:2, I think a third party in a game this size would make it unbalanced

A few thoughts:

In my opinion, Tom is suspicious but not too suspicious to the point in which we could lynch him.
Looking at him playing his other Mafia games, it seems like he acts rather odd when townie, and mysterious when he's a scum.
He's a dodgy player though, so let's just wait and see what he says.
Looking at everybody else, Tom is the one that stands out to me as the scum, but we have to determine this.
Tom is always weirdly behaved.
Let's just leave it for now.

Btw, could everybody start talking?
This game is s i l e n c e

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I think this post has scum intentions behind it. Chick has only played 1 game from what I know and they didn't even play in it at all. Tom hasn't played in a really long time, and given that Chick has never even played with Tom, Chick is practically saying they know Tom's meta because he of him saying "Tom is always weirdly behaved".

This post almost feels as if someone told them to write it, because otherwise I don't think Chick would even know that Tom is a "dodgy player" or would remotely know anything about Tom's meta without someone filling him in on said meta.

I dunno, I might just be overanalyzing this too much but this doesn't sit well with me. I'm actually kinda townleaning Tom, mostly going off of previous games that I've played with him. I can't say exactly why, but its more of a gut-feeling because I remember how Tom plays.

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Slight FOS on chick for this post, it feels a bit funny to me.

Specifically the phrases in bold.

Feels forced, talking for the sake of talking. "Rather odd" and "mysterious" are also rather redundant. What's the difference between "rather odd" and "mysterious" play?? idfk

I really don't think we should NL due to general quietness. But I don't think chick should be lynched either. I'd be fine with voting off an inactive to get the ball rolling, as opposed to modkilling them.

kinda townleaning Evan for this post since his thoughts align with mine rn
Slight FOS on chick for this post, it feels a bit funny to me.

Specifically the phrases in bold.

Feels forced, talking for the sake of talking. "Rather odd" and "mysterious" are also rather redundant. What's the difference between "rather odd" and "mysterious" play?? idfk

I really don't think we should NL due to general quietness. But I don't think chick should be lynched either. I'd be fine with voting off an inactive to get the ball rolling, as opposed to modkilling them.

Just because you like my post, doesn't mean you can copy the thought process of it... or is your plan to piggy back off other players this game?

I wanted a response to Chick before putting heavy suspicion on him... to see what he said

I can see what Ness is saying about it sounding like someone else posed the idea in his head, because my initial reaction to Chick's post was "how does he know Tom's play style that well" (and I was hoping to get a more genuine reaction to it, rather than him feeling sus right off the bat).

NL is never a good idea, so hopefully this discussion takes us somewhere
hmm now that you pointed it out Ness, it's weird why chick would say that about Tom's playstyle. btw she said in the rqs that she played 2 games before.

@chick, hv u actually played with Tom before or was it because you had observed/read a lot of games that had Tom in it in it?

RN I feel we should just let Tom be, ftr

Like I said earlier, it wouldn't make sense for scum waffles to be WIFOM'ing so intently right now, unless she's just dumb maf and trying to ingratiate herself in with the town by appearing to be joking around. Perhaps a lynch candidate? But I don't think it's lynchworthy tbh...something tells me it's just a joke and she's probably a bored townie.

yeah okay I'm always too serious in mafia smh. I agree, I don't think the joke is enough to make waffles a lynch candidate for now.
In my opinion, Tom is suspicious but not too suspicious to the point in which we could lynch him.
Looking at him playing his other Mafia games, it seems like he acts rather odd when townie, and mysterious when he's a scum.
He's a dodgy player though, so let's just wait and see what he says.
Looking at everybody else, Tom is the one that stands out to me as the scum, but we have to determine this.
Tom is always weirdly behaved.
Let's just leave it for now.

Btw, could everybody start talking?
This game is s i l e n c e

Isn't that early to FoS on Tom in day one? I mean tbh theres nothing wrong with lurking unless you're like Dolby in Pokemon Su/Mo game wherein he always lurks and hes scum in game tbh its hard to point out where dolby is scum...

My question is...

Have you played Tom before in previous games?
What makes you say hes a dodgy player can you like elaborate it?
What do you mean weirdly behave in what sense?

Anyway guys this is my second game for 2017 I'm too busy doing school stuff I only join for you guys anyway carry on
I mean if you guys really want to Lynch me, by all means go for it. It would just be a wasted Lynch, especially since the few times I've been a survivor I'll always leaned more heavily to helping town (Xeno maf for example). I get that claiming right out the gate is kinda sus and probably something Scum!Tom would do but like there's no real point in keeping quiet about it. Worst case town or scum shoots me, best case I get to coast to the winners circle.
hmm now that you pointed it out Ness, it's weird why chick would say that about Tom's playstyle. btw she said in the rqs that she played 2 games before.

Oh yeah, there was that 5 player game Bianca also hosted, MU Mafia. But even then Chick hardly played in that game either so I don't really think it counts.
Just because you like my post, doesn't mean you can copy the thought process of it... or is your plan to piggy back off other players this game?

I wanted a response to Chick before putting heavy suspicion on him... to see what he said

I can see what Ness is saying about it sounding like someone else posed the idea in his head, because my initial reaction to Chick's post was "how does he know Tom's play style that well" (and I was hoping to get a more genuine reaction to it, rather than him feeling sus right off the bat).

NL is never a good idea, so hopefully this discussion takes us somewhere

I don't really see how my post is piggybacking off of yours, it goes on a different thread of thought than yours. And I liked your post because I agreed with it and wanted to press chick further. I'm not sure what to make of your statement that you wanted to see how chick would react before town sussed - YOU pointed out a problem in chick's post and didn't expect at least ONE person to more closely scrutinize that post?? that's not how this works :p We can analyze anything we want as we damn well please. :lemon:

Ness also made some good points and better stated what I was meaning when I said the post felt "forced." It looks like something chick would post after some coaching and the maf saying "get in the thread! get in the thread!" idk.

I mean it's kind of hard to say anything when nothing much has happened. So I'm pursuing now that something HAS happened.

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nvm on the town sussing point - after rereading your post, I think you meant that YOU wanted to see what chick would say before YOU would press further. Different than commandeering town from pressing chick further ;)

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nvm on the town sussing point - after rereading your post, I think you meant that YOU wanted to see what chick would say before YOU would press further. Different than commandeering town from pressing chick further ;)

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dammit TBT
I mean we both talked about a FoS... so yeah that's the same train of thought, and what I'm meant by piggybacking. I always find it weird when subsequent posts use the exact same wording

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And don't get so hostile... geez, I commented about fos and then you follow up talking about fos right after me, you telling me not to find that odd?
To clear things up, I was observing the thread in the games he has been in, not played.
Also, I never wanted to lynch Tom. In brief words, I was just talking about suspicions.
I'm sorry if I'm playing as a bad townie, I'm pretty much a noob. Let's carry on the discussion and see what everybody thinks and inputs.

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I may as well go for a NL for the day.
I mean we both talked about a FoS... so yeah that's the same train of thought, and what I'm meant by piggybacking. I always find it weird when subsequent posts use the exact same wording

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And don't get so hostile... geez, I commented about fos and then you follow up talking about fos right after me, you telling me not to find that odd?

I find it odd that you label using an extremely widespread and common mafia term "piggybacking" :lemon:

But anyway, I don't want to get into a needless argument over semantics. Besides, idk if you saw, but my hostility was mainly because I thought you were being a super control freak and telling us NOT to discuss chick, when that's not what you were saying haha.

Chick's post isn't instilling much confidence in me rn tbh. It seems like they're trying to move along past this suss on them without providing much defense. Also, why go for a NL?? I'm not liking chick more and more.
I find it odd that you label using an extremely widespread and common mafia term "piggybacking" :lemon:

But anyway, I don't want to get into a needless argument over semantics. Besides, idk if you saw, but my hostility was mainly because I thought you were being a super control freak and telling us NOT to discuss chick, when that's not what you were saying haha.

Chick's post isn't instilling much confidence in me rn tbh. It seems like they're trying to move along past this suss on them without providing much defense. Also, why go for a NL?? I'm not liking chick more and more.

yeah, I'm well aware trying to explain things to you is not gonna work... I will leave it at that I'm sus of you as well
yeah, I'm well aware trying to explain things to you is not gonna work... I will leave it at that I'm sus of you as well

The passive aggressive condescension is real. :lemon: I'm not sus of you but it'd really be nice if you don't demean my intellect in the future. :)
The passive aggressive condescension is real. :lemon: I'm not sus of you but it'd really be nice if you don't demean my intellect in the future. :)

Look. You used similar phrasing to me right after I posted it, literal same "FoS" thing. I commented on that saying it was strange and an example of piggybacking.... because it is. I continue to try to point that out to you and my reason for bringing it up. You still don't recognize that and proceed to call me condescending. But if you aren't even going to acknowledge that its weird you used similar phrasing, then yeah I'm gonna be annoyed that you are being just as insulting for less reasoning. You think I'm attacking you, but you are just missing my point, not understanding my argument, and thats what makes me frustrated.

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and about the most condescending thing you can do is include those little emojis rather than treat our conversation about this like a joke

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*not joke, *seriously is what makes sense for that last part
*sigh* detective evan time

Don't just wave FoS and expect everyone to make the argument for you....

Slight FOS on chick for this post, it feels a bit funny to me.

in what universe does the first quote equal the second, especially in terms of phraseology? they're completely different to me. And, more importantly, in what universe is it suddenly a cardinal sin/maftell for me to use "FOS" when I have never seen you (or anyone really) lose their **** in such spectacular fashion over many people using the acronym at the same time in a thread before.

Is it a rule that I cannot and should not have used "FOS" to convey my feelings on chick?

Do you seriously expect me to walk on eggshells and proofread my posts 20 times over to make sure they wouldn't possibly be construed as "piggybacking" or sounding too much like you? No, that's what a maf does :lemon:

Also, I use the emotes to try and make the conversation less confrontational, but it obviously hasn't worked. :) (that emote is intended to be lighthearted too since I'm pointing it out, yeah you get it...pls don't get mad)

If it's worth it, I even capitalized the term "FOS" differently, so even MORE difference points for me. /s

Point is, your obsession over "OMFG EVAN USED 'FOS' RIGHT AFTER ME HE'S MAF COPYING AND PIGGYBACKING" is frankly, bad logic, and for whatever reason it seems like you like to pick fights with me over really stupid things. I've never seen anyone get so riled up over another person using "FOS" before. Good Lord. Can you get over yourself enough for a moment to see my (apparently stupid) point of view?

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another thing: your post was about how "it's way too early to be suspecting Tom"

my post was all about chick's phraseology. Never mentioned her sus on Tom once.

Tell me again how our posts are the "same train of thought" solely due to me using "FOS" again?

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**** I'm cracking again

goddammit me why do you do this :lemon:
Getting back to relevant game things

amazonevan said:
I really don't think we should NL due to general quietness. But I don't think chick should be lynched either. I'd be fine with voting off an inactive to get the ball rolling, as opposed to modkilling them.

says chick shouldn't be lynched, but then proceeds to already vote for them.... what are you up to this game evan?
I like the tags.
"Chick is scum"
"Chick the coaster"
But seriously. To that person who added that in, think twice, because you haven't seen everything of me.
Getting back to relevant game things

says chick shouldn't be lynched, but then proceeds to already vote for them.... what are you up to this game evan?

knew someone was probably going to mention that, after chick's """defense""" I became much more confident that she's scum and am not afraid to voice my opinion on it.