Decorating your island for spring


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2014
Hey guys! So the snow will be melted in a couple of weeks and it will be time to get ready for SPRING!!! Now I know a LOT of you are super excited for that, so I'm hoping you guys will have a lot of really good ideas for decorating our islands for the spring time. What kind of furniture and DIY stuff do you think goes really well with spring time? Obviously bright flowers, particularly tulips, are a great way to go, and I do plan on changing my flowers in the more "active" areas over. But I'm kind of at a loss for what else to do! Spring bamboo stuff is like "duh" but at the same time... I dunno, that would just be some green on top of the fresh green grass. Maybe some of you guys have pictures and stuff? Seasonal decorating is one of the things I really enjoy most about this game.
I didn't even think about tulips which is weird because I love them in real life. I'll have to make a space for them. I have a pear island with a lot of peach trees also and I'm using pink, orange, and white flowers with the trees. Aside from that, for me, spring time is cherry blossom and bamboo time, especially the green bamboo items.
i love seasonal overhaul time!! i try to color-match my decorations seasonally so i'll be swapping all the neutral colors for brighter stuff.

the biggest undertaking is always swapping my flowers and trees out. right now my island is like 97% pine trees. flowers are mostly white with blue, purple, and black sprinkled in (there were red flowers for december up til christmas... i am a little out of control); my game plan is:

1. take out the purple roses, black flowers, and half of the white flowers.

2. put in pink, orange, yellow, and green flowers.

3. replace all ~200 pine trees with regular trees.
i love seasonal overhaul time!! i try to color-match my decorations seasonally so i'll be swapping all the neutral colors for brighter stuff.

the biggest undertaking is always swapping my flowers and trees out. right now my island is like 97% pine trees. flowers are mostly white with blue, purple, and black sprinkled in (there were red flowers for december up til christmas... i am a little out of control); my game plan is:

1. take out the purple roses, black flowers, and half of the white flowers.

2. put in pink, orange, yellow, and green flowers.

3. replace all ~200 pine trees with regular trees.
Dang, that's ambitious. Especially replacing your trees like that. Holy moley, I never thought of doing anything like that. I have all fruit trees, hardwood trees, and cedar trees.
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Dang, that's ambitious. Especially replacing your trees like that. Holy moley, I never thought of doing anything like that. I have all fruit trees, hardwood trees, and cedar trees.
it keeps me busy, haha. and pumpkins are a huge help... usually i don't touch my layout for a few solid months after an overhaul.

do you move your trees around much at all? i don't change their locations, i just swap the plant.
I dont change my entire island for seasons. I do have a plaza like area im using for seasonal decor.
Maybe if we had a green house that stored bunches of shurbs and flowers i would....
it keeps me busy, haha. and pumpkins are a huge help... usually i don't touch my layout for a few solid months after an overhaul.

do you move your trees around much at all? i don't change their locations, i just swap the plant.
I move my trees around now and then, depending on what I'm doing. Like most recently I moved my house up on a cliff so I could have a bigger yard, with a pond and everything. Where my house originally was, which was by my camp site, I just expanded the camp area, adding in a log table and stuff. And then across the path from that is an apple orchard that wasn't there before. I had moved some cedar trees down onto the base level of my island when the lit trees were a thing, and they're still down there.
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I dont change my entire island for seasons. I do have a plaza like area im using for seasonal decor.
Maybe if we had a green house that stored bunches of shurbs and flowers i would....
gosh that is such a fantastic idea. that way we could put away our bushes when they arent blooming and take them back out when they do. a greenhouse could even expand on leif and his role on the island. dang it nintendo T-T
Well...the weeds now have their yellow flowers so I was thinking of redecorating as well! Speaking of flowers, I have plenty of them, so I may end up rearranging them in different ways. I may leave up the Festivale items up until the next major event.
I've been redecorating like crazy. My town was so festive, but now I'm ready for spring. I just need the snow to melt.
I haven't played the game since December because my video gaming focus has shifted to Pokémon; I bred a team of Pokémon for a playthrough of Pokémon Pearl so I can catch a Glameow, since I'm planning to eventually replay HeartGold in the future and wanted Glameow as a team member for that. As such, and because Winter is my second favorite season in real life and in game, when I get back into New Horizons, I'll still be in Winter and won't be rushing to Spring.

I'm not particularly excited about Spring though, regardless of when it arrives for me in game, because I don't really know what to decorate with. My island achieved the 5 star rating back in Autumn thanks to all of the jack-o-lanterns I had set up, and when Winter rolled around, I replaced those with stuff like Three-Tiered Snowpersons, Illuminated Deer, and some Tree's Bounty items. Maybe it's just my own biased preference for Autumn and Winter, but it seems like Spring doesn't really have festivities and items associated with it that I feel would look nice to decorate with and I have no idea what I'm go to replace the Three-Tiered Snowpersons with.
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I never really decorated for Winter, with the exception of a snowman and a color change to my entrance arch. I've since replaced them and just started decorating as I would for Spring through Autumn. Mostly going ham on the Autumn decor, but I'm blaming my general love for that season for it.
I have been adding a few spring touches (going all out and adding far too much 😂) I have made a rose garden and I was planning on just a little seating area but it kind of transformed into sakura shrine 😊 I do love the pink blossoms and think they are perfect for spring so plan on adding more.

I have a few pink and white flowers that I have started breeding but tulips are a good call. I think I will borrow that idea so thank you 😊
Bushes that bloom in spring, the cherry blossom set ofc and also paper lanterns with spring designs (I don't like the default one I have to use custom designs), lots of butterfly modelos and also the flower furniture.
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My flowers/bushes don't change with the seasons, so that's easy enough.

I'll get Nook to redo my house exterior and I'll redo interiors to be lighter and brighter.

My outdoor winter palette is mostly blues and whites. Spring will be mainly pink, summer goes to greens, and autumn is red and yellow.

The mulled cider & hot cocoa stand by the pier will become a surf shop. And the ice furniture (pillars and sculptures) will get replaced with more seasonally appropriate items.

They might not be big changes, but the new colors make things look fresh and different.
I definitely have to redecorate for the spring. I have ice items ALL over the place, but I'm definitely excited! I loved the winter, but like in real life I do want to see the green grass again :)

Properly won't change my flowers and scrubs since those stay year-round.
I keep my island the same every season (I shouldn't really so it would give me more to do, but it's so much work hahah), so my island looks really mismatched atm. I can't wait for the green!
I'll probably put out the cherry blossom and springish leaf stuff that I put away during fall/winter. I'll customize the outdoor furniture that currently has more winterish patterns to springish patterns. Other than that I don't really have much planned.
Bushes that bloom un spring, the cherry blossom set ofc and also paper lanterns with spring designs (I don't like the default one I have to use custom designs), lots of butterfly modelos and also the flower furniture.
I actually forgot about the flower furniture! Those will be perfect for spring time! Thank you! And I only have one Paper Kite Butterfly model, but I've been thinking that maybe I should be hunting for more butterflies so I can get more of them. Seems like a good idea.
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