
Sometimes I like visiting dream islands to see what they've done with their decorating, but so far I haven't found an island that's more my style. So instead, I'm just winging it myself, looking up patterns and using color combos/furniture that work with my island theme. So far, I'm pretty happy with what I've done. :)
In my house I don’t care about what other people are doing, because I’ve become confident in my design over the years that I’ve played these games. My designs tend to be more open and have less items on the walls than other people’s when I do see them online. At first it made me wonder if my designs weren’t as good because they aren’t as ‘detailed’ (and also my bedroom is almost just the complete mermaid series rather than a design) but then I thought nah, this is my taste. I like walls without much stuff and I like displaying the full mermaid set

now outside I am looking for inspiration, but that’s because that’s how you learn. I looked through thousandssss of new leaf house pictures before I was confident in my own design, and the same will happen with my island. Practice makes perfect!!! I recommend to start by looking at other people’s things! Copy it, decide what *you* don’t like about it, change it, repeat. That’s how you learn what you like and how to implement it
Aside from downloading path patterns that are popular, my entire island layout has been created through my own ideas. I admit that it's not been easy, but the challenge has been really fun. I actually just opened my island to dream visits this week for the first time. The reason why I waited is because I wanted it to feel just right. I'd say several months in to finally feel comfortable with my island layout is a good amount of time.
I just do my own thing. It doesn't matter to me if other people like it as long as I myself enjoy playing on my island. Sometimes I get inspiration from seeing what other people do (someone put a tree in a hole in like a lake and somehow that inspired me to build a shrine surrounded by water for example) but I'm not looking specifically for ideas 99% of the time. Anyways the only people who see my island are my wife and my best friends anyways so I'm not fussed.
My island is very plain but I like it that way. Outside of this site I don’t look at anything acnh related. In the past I used to stress out over my town like in city folk and acnl. For some reason I’m not like that at all with this game. When I visit other islands I don’t get envious. They just make me miss my own island. I’ve never had a design overhaul or thought about resetting. I didn’t do much terraforming but I did put down a path and managed to get 5 stars with some outdoor decorating.
while i do like seeing what other people have done, i don’t really like taking inspiration from others as it makes me feel like i’m stealing their idea or copying them. i don’t really aim to do what’s popular, either; while i’m not super creative when it comes to landscaping or interior design, i want my island to feel like my own, rather than a carbon copy, if that makes sense lol ^^
I've only based/copied one part of my island which I found on Pinterest. (I cannot find the pic for the life of me though :/) I search Pinterest for HOURS looking for inspiration.

The rest of my island is pretty much me just tossing things where I think they look good. Knowing me though, I'll move them again in a month.
I had plans going in on what I wanted to do, and have generally not adapted a lot of ideas from other islands, even though I recognize my design sense isn't really top tier. I'm not trying to do any of the cute gimmicks like castles or long bridges, and I don't even have any custom paths at the moment, though if that does change I will use them in controlled amounts. I'm largely trying to figure out on my own how to make things look good, with a little help from the dream islands I've visited. That will probably mean I end up reinventing the wheel, but oh well I guess.
Do you try to follow what is popular? Do you watch ACNH tour vids to try and emulate those islands? Or are you someone who is in tune with your own creativity and try to do your own thing entirely?

Personally I have been struggling to create a balance between the two. I look at a ton of videos, because I have an idea but not a clue on how to execute them.
But at the same time, I have seen only one video that I really like and I've been borrowing a lot of ideas from that person's island. What do you think?
I'm doing a balance between the two because it's so hard to terraform 😂 but otherwise I'm trying to do my own thing. I do watch a lot of videos still though.
Sometimes I refer to real-life furniture arrangements, interior design or landscaping designs online and try to work it into my island. But most of the time, I still end up with my own ideas for layouts.
I just put stuff where I think it looks cool, I don't copy other peoples ideas, and I skim straight past any I see that has cottagecore, can't stand looking at clutter. I build on my areas each time I get more and more stuff. There's time you hate your island then eventually they become areas you love and that are unique to you.
I wasn't a fan of pastel back in NL, I'm not a fan of cottagecore now. At most I like some small combinations of items or the way someone uses fences or something like that.

The overall themes (if you can call them that) all come from real life locations, inspiration from looking at items, or player character aesthetics/themes.
a couple of my terraforming features were made by tutorial, but other than that everything i've done has been my idea