
it's not all about stereotypes, nor is it perpetuating or spreading "negative" ones to headcanon fictional characters as LGBT+ based on appearance alone -- especially given that that's really all there is to go off of with regards to AC. i mean, have you stopped to consider that some of the people who headcanon katt, for example, as a lesbian based on her look/style/personality are doing so because they share one or more of those things with her? to say that they're just spreading harmful stereotypes for identifying with a character and/or seeing themselves in them is what's actually harmful, and only denies them the chance to see themselves represented or feel better about their identity etc.

also, claiming "lesbians being butch/tomboys" is an inherently "bad stereotype" only does harm to lesbians who actually are butch/tomboys because you're essentially implying that they're perpetuating a "bad stereotype" simply for being themselves. maybe... don't.

Absolutely agree with you. Which is why I said some villagers and by appearance.
also, to say it's "harmful" and "perpetuating negative stereotypes" to headcanon a character as LGBT+ based on appearance/style/personality/etc. alone is to ignore the literal decades of subtext the LGBT+ community had to accept as their representation because of homophobia in the mainstream media where those characteristics were genuinely the only indicator of whether or not a character was supposed to be (or at least likely) LGBT+ because it couldn't be explicitly confirmed so. y'know, maybe don't try and police LGBT+ folks' headcanons (whether you're part of that community or not) and tell them what is and isn't an acceptable reason for why they view x as y.
(For clarity’s sake, I said ‘no uchi villagers are straight’ not because they’re tomboys (in fact, I don’t get that vibe from most of them, but it’s valid if you do). They have more of a cool alternative/punk vibe to me. In real life, punk subcultures are very queer, and many queer people I know intentionally present that way (often to signal that they aren’t cis/straight to other queer people as a way of self queer coding). A lot of us headcanon fictional characters this way because they are relatable to us and our lived experiences. c: )
Quick question are you straight
1. That is none of your concern and has nothing to do with me being against the idea of categorizing by appearance in a world that does way too much of it and often are wrong.

2. I'm from a town thats been spread all over the world because of the issue of what placing a human in a category based on appearance can do.

3. I am above the ideas society has in place of what love is or whom it should be directed at and what category or cookie cutter idea that places said person in.
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No one is mad.
Some straight folks may also see similarities between villagers and people they know IRL.

I've always thought Muffy was like my dearly departed grandma, and she was straight, so it goes both ways.

Nobody is being homophobic, they are just sharing opinions like everyone else, and shouldn't be attacked for it.

And just to add, my wife is gender fluid.
By all means relate to your characters as you wish. Ship whomever you'd like. In your video game. Just a reminder to leave the appearance judging to your video game and remember humans are so much more than skin deep.
so like i can't read half the posts on here because i'm pretty stupid not gonna lie 😅
i don't understand big words lol

but i just came back because i forgot to say bonbon & carmen ♡
they have been one of my favourite ships in ac since i was a child hehe
none of them are to me, but i also have no headcanons period about any of my villagers. i have a hard time imagining them as real beings (technically they aren’t real, but in the context of the game they are). so i have never been able to imagine them having real feelings, friendships, or families. weird, i know.
Some straight folks may also see similarities between villagers and people they know IRL.

I've always thought Muffy was like my dearly departed grandma, and she was straight, so it goes both ways.

Nobody is being homophobic, they are just sharing opinions like everyone else.

And just to add, my wife is gender fluid.

nobody said anybody was being homophobic, neither did they say cishets couldn't see themselves in villagers either. problem was people were coming in here and telling LGBT+ folk they specifically weren't allowed to do that, which is the problem, especially given how society and people as a whole automatically assume everyone, if not most people, are straight based on nothing as it is and that's apparently fine.
also, claiming "lesbians being butch/tomboys" is an inherently "bad stereotype" only does harm to lesbians who actually are butch/tomboys because you're essentially implying that they're perpetuating a "bad stereotype" simply for being themselves. maybe... don't.
I never said all. I just said some. Lesbians who are tomboys are not wrong in any way. Why would they? Still it is a common stereotyp for any women to just say, because there are looking like a tough person they are gay. Just have your headcanon of any villager as you please :D

funny how nobody gets mad over headcanons until you say one of them is gay/lgbt
This is wrong. I do it myself in some way. If my villagers give me some vibes. A character which is asexuell on top of my head is Hornsby. He was always just this little kid on my island and never really quite sure about anyone else. He just thinks about food and welp. Does not mean he is aromantic tho. I just don't think he is interested in something like that.
nobody said anybody was being homophobic, neither did they say cishets couldn't see themselves in villagers either. problem was people were coming in here and telling LGBT+ folk they specifically weren't allowed to do that, which is the problem, especially given how society and people as a whole automatically assume everyone, if not most people, are straight based on nothing as it is and that's apparently fine.

Maybe I missed something or am too new to know who is who but not everyone said they were part of the LGBT+ community that I saw. And why is one person not allowed to express their own opinion simply because they aren't part of the cool kids? Simply because you aren't that, doesn't necessity void your opinion. How is anyone supposed to know that the person who said "all of this type are this" identifies with any certain group?
nobody said anybody was being homophobic, neither did they say cishets couldn't see themselves in villagers either. problem was people were coming in here and telling LGBT+ folk they specifically weren't allowed to do that, which is the problem, especially given how society and people as a whole automatically assume everyone, if not most people, are straight based on nothing as it is and that's apparently fine.
Alot of people assume anyone with a less than gay opinion is homophobic.

I'm simply saying that's not the case.

Over & out.
I never said all. I just said some. Lesbians who are tomboys are not wrong in any way. Why would they? Still it is a common stereotyp for any women to just say, because there are looking like a tough person they are gay. Just have your headcanon of any villager as you please :D

you literally said "tomboy characters are a stereotype for real lesbians" and then, further on, said that headcanoning a fictional character as a lesbian for being a tomboy is spreading a "bad stereotype", which suggests that being a butch/tomboy lesbian itself is a "bad stereotype" when it's not bad at all.
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Maybe I missed something or am too new to know who is who but not everyone said they were part of the LGBT+ community that I saw. And why is one person not allowed to express their own opinion simply because they aren't part of the cool kids? Simply because you aren't that, doesn't necessity void your opinion. How is anyone supposed to know that the person who said "all of this type are this" identifies with any certain group?

i never said everyone here was LGBT+ lmao but i definitely am and i'm in the thread, ergo "LGBT+ folk", and harmful opinions have no place in this thread regardless of which community it's about. this isn't the first LGBT+ positive thread to be derailed by harmful comments and rhetoric, and i doubt it'll be the last. fact of the matter is that cishets have no place or right to decide what is and isn't a good reason for interpreting a character as LGBT+ given that they're, y'know, not LGBT+ lmao. leave people and their (non-harmful) headcanons alone, regardless of what inspired said headcanons.
Through out history many have been wrong even when they were part of the group. Some leaders lead their groups down the wrong path. And the others should have listened to the outcasts and the unincluded. But they didn't and yet ended up wrong. So maybe outside opinions can be improvements on the groups ideas of what is wrong and right. Maybe if we could identify with each other at first glance on a deeper level than just appearance or style the world would be a better place.
anyway, to add some positivity to this thread since i got distracted before i could: kid cat and punchy are boyfriends, and have been ever since some cute interactions in one of my NL towns. their houses are next to each other on my island and they're always chilling in the plaza together and wearing my LGBT+ sweaters :') also vivian is a high-femme lesbian and in a long-distance relationship with whitney (since i don't have her on my island).

..that is all.
i never said everyone here was LGBT+ lmao but i definitely am and i'm in the thread, ergo "LGBT+ folk", and harmful opinions have no place in this thread regardless of which community it's about. this isn't the first LGBT+ positive thread to be derailed by harmful comments and rhetoric, and i doubt it'll be the last. fact of the matter is that cishets have no place or right to decide what is and isn't a good reason for interpreting a character as LGBT+ given that they're, y'know, not LGBT+ lmao. leave people and their (non-harmful) headcanons alone, regardless of what inspired said headcanons.

I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here but that is exactly what you said. And when I said what I said I did not know anyone was part of the LGBT+ community and in all honesty I don't care if you are or aren't. My comment was not even directed at you but somehow you thought it was and felt the need to defend yourself. Why? I don't tend to defend myself unless I have actually done something that needs defending and you havent. I don't owe anyone an explanation. I've tried to smooth it out. My nephew is gay and gives me makeup tips. I freaking adore him with everything I have. My uncle has a wiki page for his efforts for the gay community. I'm pro love who you wish, or don't. My point was in a world, no matter who you are, where people are murdered because of their appearance, we should be trying harder as a species to relate in a better, deeper way. Love to you! Absolutely! And I do mean it. Be you.
you literally said "tomboy characters are a stereotype for real lesbians" and then, further on, said that headcanoning a fictional character as a lesbian for being a tomboy is spreading a "bad stereotype", which suggests that being a butch/tomboy lesbian itself is a "bad stereotype" when it's not bad at all.
Yeah it is a stereotyp for lesbians. That is not wrong in any way. It does not mean all lesbians are like that or are not like that. It just means if a women acts like a tomboy people mostly assume this person is a lesbian for no reason whatsoever. If this is bad or good depens on the person on which it is assumed. I just wanted to point out, that every human being is different and it is wrong to just say those specific type of people are all this. Because they aren't in any way. I also don't like to just assume all human are hetero it is also plain wrong and dump to say that.
And there are people who just saying all uchi characters are lesbians because there are all tomboys, THAT especially is a bad stereotyp. Because not all lesbians are tomboys and there are lesbians who get offended by that pretty quickly (as you said before there are lesbians who identify as tomboys but there also not). This does not mean all tomboys are bad lesbians or are bad persons. Which is just false. It just means not all lesbian are tomboys. And not all women want to be associated with lesbians because there are tomboys.

How would you feel if you where a hetero girl and you have a short haircut and act tough and everyone is just like "Oh yeah she is a lesbian because she has short hair!" You would feel offended of it because in this case it is a stereotyp which is dump to assume your sexuality on.

In this case yes. There are just fictional characters in a video game. And they would never complain, because they don't have any programmed genders or sexualities. Still it has a bit of salt to it. Because especially people in the LGBTQ+ Community should now such things are not matter out of there experience.