
Yeah it is a stereotyp for lesbians. That is not wrong in any way. It does not mean all lesbians are like that or are not like that. It just means if a women acts like a tomboy people mostly assume this person is a lesbian for no reason whatsoever. If this is bad or good depens on the person on which it is assumed. I just wanted to point out, that every human being is different and it is wrong to just say those specific type of people are all this. Because they aren't in any way. I also don't like to just assume all human are hetero it is also plain wrong and dump to say that.
And there are people who just saying all uchi characters are lesbians because there are all tomboys, THAT especially is a bad stereotyp. Because not all lesbians are tomboys and there are lesbians who get offended by that pretty quickly (as you said before there are lesbians who identify as tomboys but there also not). This does not mean all tomboys are bad lesbians or are bad persons. Which is just false. It just means not all lesbian are tomboys. And not all women want to be associated with lesbians because there are tomboys.

How would you feel if you where a hetero girl and you have a short haircut and act tough and everyone is just like "Oh yeah she is a lesbian because she has short hair!" You would feel offended of it because in this case it is a stereotyp which is dump to assume your sexuality on.

In this case yes. There are just fictional characters in a video game. And they would never complain, because they don't have any programmed genders or sexualities. Still it has a bit of salt to it. Because especially people in the LGBTQ+ Community should now such things are not matter out of there experience.

i'm literally a femme lesbian and it doesn't offend me in the slightest that people headcanon all the uchis as lesbians just because they look "tomboyish" because that's their headcanon and their business and tomboy/butch lesbians literally exist, i-

also if a cishet girl was offended at people assuming they're a lesbian, that's their problem since there's nothing inherently wrong with being lesbian and it's a quick, harmless correction to make. not to mention that that example is literally ignoring... the whole crux of the problem? that getting offended when someone thinks you're a lesbian based on appearance (which is perfectly valid since lesbians often identify each other based on physical characteristics) implies there's something wrong/offensive about being a lesbian, and that "you're a lesbian" can be used as an insult in the first place as though, again, there's something wrong with being a lesbian. that's the real issue, not that a lot of lesbians are butch/tomboys and will often associate that look with their sexuality.

i'm going to stop replying to these sorts of comments now because, frankly, it's a mess. leave people and their harmless headcanons alone. they're under no obligation to explain themselves to you, and you have no right to ask them to. if this was a thread about cishet villagers and/or their relationships, none of these comments would've been posted, and i hate it that this repeatedly happens every time there's an LGBT+ topic and that i/we repeatedly have to defend/explain ourselves.
Ok. Are either of these two people either of you who keep defending you thinking one or two characters has a sexual preference? Nope. Ok then exclude yourself from the list of people we are talking about. Because we weren't even referring to you or what you said. I listed her as an example because she was the first imagine posted before my first comment. Now that thats cleared up continue to be righteous.

normal villagers are just cottagecore lesbians. smug villagers are just charli xcx stan twitter gays. uchi villagers are phoebe bridgers stans. snooty villagers are the ethereal bisexuals who wear mostly black obama talked about in his book
In my head every single lazy villager is gay, every single uchi villager gives off bisexual vibes, and every single jock is an open-minded himbo who doesn't care whatsoever
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And as a side note. There is nothing offensive about being thought of as gay or being hit on by someone who is. Just so my opinion on that is clear. I don't need to identify with anything because I identify with myself and in all honesty think most humans generally suck in some way or another so am perfectly fine not whatever the heck headcanoning my villagers is. Or shipping them via ups or FedEx. I think its a sad world if a person feels like they need to identify with a fictional character because its not as easy to identify with people in the real world. But let's be honest. The world is pretty sad since we are trying to do the right thing and not be privileged folk and we are still being harassed about it. Sue me. We tried to defend a population instead of scrutinizing them.
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I'm not arguing. Pointing out flaws in logic. The saying is never judge a book by its cover and is preached by many groups as being the wrong thing but the same groups do it and then claim its ok because they are part of whatever group that is. Can you not see the hypocrisy in that? Or do you choose to turn a blind eye to it? You related to your character the way you said you did is absolutely understandable and fine and dandy. But those who count an entire group something is like saying all people of one group are one thing just because of one singular trait. I'm sure you can fill in the blanks to fit any number of examples this idea applies to. No one of any group wants to be judged based on their hair, clothing, skin color what have you and thats that. You are getting upset because a group of people wanted to stand up for you. Thats nuts.
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My point, and I can only speak for myself here, is that no one, anywhere, should ever be judging by appearance. Ya know unless they are in a ski mask pointing a gun. But I think you understand what I am getting at if you would take a second to reread the thread.
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Oh to add to that. Practice what you preach is another saying that applies quite well here.
oh my god, i completely forgot about lucky and biskit! lazy boyfriends who also live next to each other on my island. really solidified them as a couple after this cute conversation i saw where they said they were going to go travelling across the ocean to eat lots of tropical fruit and maybe see some sharks uwu. also henry is super gay. he rocks the green sunglasses i gave him 24/7, and his little green handbag. he's the villager who most frequently references my "gay" answers and ends up saying stuff like "i can't wait to tell everyone i was into being gay before it was cool" all the time. originally i was going to swap him out for marshal but honestly he's such a gay icon i might just keep him.
Literally everyone. Idk your age but it is possible that seeing as I was part of busing to encourage desegregation in public schools that the saying is too old for you.
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Time to take this thread back.

Lopez is bisexual and wears fashionable purple eyeliner. I always give him the fanciest coats from Able Sisters and he wears them well.
i've lowkey shipped dotty and pompom ever since they were in my WW town together. if it were possible to have a second island, i would reunite them in a heartbeat. (i literally bought their amiibo cards solely for that purpose but never got round to it on my NL towns.) they would totally be supportive aspiring-popstar girlfriends who sing karaoke together way later than they should, and constantly tease one another whenever they mess up a dance move.
My point, and I can only speak for myself here, is that no one, anywhere, should ever be judging by appearance. Ya know unless they are in a ski mask pointing a gun. But I think you understand what I am getting at if you would take a second to reread the thread.

hi, sorry if what i've said has caused offence in anyway. it wasn't intentional and i would like to clarify i am just drawing light-hearted comparisons from my own cultural experiences within the lbgt community. they are just playing around with fiction and internet subcultures, and i am not implying that barack obama wrote a memoir about diana the snooty deer.
Let me get this straight (pun intended). You are discussing the sexual orientation of fictional characters as if they perform the act after we log off the game?