
I wouldn’t say pointless since I still go there everyday. Mostly use it for the cabinet items and selling. I would love an update but I don’t see us getting one unless they add more items. If they add a second floor I would hope it would have the missing NL sets.
Agreed! I never go there anymore... I remember being so excited each morning to see what would be for sell, now it's just pointless
I don't have a stable Internet connection, so I'm not able to trade with people online, sadly.. so Nooks Cranny / Redds boat are the only ways for me to get new items. I find it lame that we can't choose the color of the item and have to pray that Redd has the desired one eventually (if only he would at least come more often..) or just deal with having the same surfboard color 5 times on a surfboard stand, lol.

I would love to get a Upgrade for the shop, but that it still fits the Island theme. I don't want to have a literal shopping center looking thing on my Island, but I do want a bigger shop for sure..
The only thing I check regularly is the cabinet anymore. I feel like I’ve already seen or have most of what comes into my Nook store so I usually breeze by the furniture. If we got an update sometime for the anniversary it would be cool if they released an update for the shops, I could see them putting out upgrades after real time duration and not game progress.
The only reason I keep going to Nooks is getting custom kits and wrapping paper...but thats about it. It feels very wasted compared to NL. If anything, the Nooks need an upgrade.
Now that I've gotten all the furniture items after buying/trading here, it's pointless for me too unfortunately. :( I'd love it if it got an upgrade and expanded what it sold there (having Leif/Kicks there would be nice).
I still go everyday but, yah, I don't buy much (mostly gift wrap since I always give new neighbors some wardrobe options, and I like them to be neatly wrapped).

Personally, I'm waiting for more store upgrades. I think it's a safe bet we'll get them. And I'd LOVE if they meant, say, a "deal of the day" type item with a "rare" color variant (like Redd, but daily). New furniture, like rereleases from previous games, would be a dream come true (I miss the alpine set 😟).
Also, a Gracie store to work towards would be lovely- except, I think Labelle should run it! She already does fashion checks and has grown a lot as a designer over the past few games, and I'd love to see her own store! I know it sounds silly, but Labelle has matured from a kind of snippy designer wannabe to a mature and sophisticated designer. Plus, it'd make her fashion checks have more of a point (maybe you keep doing them until you unlock the store, then you can do more to score coupons?) and they could have Labelle clothing be available more often, PLUS they could release more and even furniture! And, of course, Gracie would stop by occasionally to check on her... AND offer vintage Gracie designs if you manage to pass her extra challenging fashion check 😉
EDIT: OH! And, of course, some of the visitors could get permanent slots- like Leif getting a permanent gardening shop, and Kicks getting a shoe store extension. It'd be swell if those guys weren't so random. In their place, Nintendo could release new visitors like... IDK, Katrina. She never had much of a point but I miss her!

But, yah. The only thing I'm pretty confident we'll get is more shop upgrades. The rest is just what I would do if I was in charge of Nintendo, and I think all those options do have a chance of getting incorporated eventually!
I also pop in there to buy tools rather than craft them 'cause I'm lazy lol, and I still check for wallpapers, buy customization packs, etc. I have a group of Discord friends I still play with, some of which either restarted or are new to the game, so I'm always checking the turnip prices for a good price to let them in to sell at.

I would love an upgrade to the shop, though! Here's hoping there's some news of that for the anniversary.
I barely use the Nook shop anymore. Since I've been doing a lot of trading to get certain colors of furniture I want for my island I have no use for it. The problem is that the items are still the same and its like you don't even need a reason to go there anymore once you have every single item in your catalog. There should be a new upgrade where it adds new items that we never seen before. I get that in past updates the nook shop would always display items that are limited time which is a good idea but the problem is that the variant you have is a different color and the only to get that said variant that has a different color is to trade with someone else.

I am just going to say this New Horizons compared to past AC games in terms of upgrades has the least amount of shop upgrades. You can upgrade the shop 5 times to reach to the full potential. Even in New leaf when you got the final shop upgrade you had Leif joined in and then Gracie Grace was up in the top floor. It was by the best thing we've ever seen. Why is that the Nook Shop in New Horizons has only one upgrade? You would think by now we would get another one soon but it hasn't been the case. It really is strange how the upgrades in this game don't seem to be exciting and its like you would want the shops to keep being refreshed with something new but again it just feels stale and boring.

In past AC games the nook shop was always your go to whenever you wanted new furniture and it always was refreshing whenever new stuff was added even in the full upgraded shop there is so much stuff and you can see what they have. This one in New Horizons just doesn't do much. There needs to be more variety and a reason to keep shopping at the Nook shop. When was the last time you guys stopped by your Nook Shop? Do you still use to get items for your catalog or do you not use as much anymore?

I disagree. I still use it very often because: 1. I don’t have all items catalogued and 2. I often need to buy: saplings, medicine, paint, tools and wrapping paper.

Also, while I do think we need more items, I think that’s the main reason why we aren’t (or at least haven’t) having an update. If you go back to the original AC on the GCN, Nookingtons has a max of 6 items (v/s 5 items displayed in NH and 6 when it’s a seasonal/special item). Also, even Nookingtons doesn’t have all tools available at all times and far less items/furniture overall in the game compared to NH.
I barely use the Nook shop anymore. Since I've been doing a lot of trading to get certain colors of furniture I want for my island I have no use for it. The problem is that the items are still the same and its like you don't even need a reason to go there anymore once you have every single item in your catalog. There should be a new upgrade where it adds new items that we never seen before. I get that in past updates the nook shop would always display items that are limited time which is a good idea but the problem is that the variant you have is a different color and the only to get that said variant that has a different color is to trade with someone else.

I am just going to say this New Horizons compared to past AC games in terms of upgrades has the least amount of shop upgrades. You can upgrade the shop 5 times to reach to the full potential. Even in New leaf when you got the final shop upgrade you had Leif joined in and then Gracie Grace was up in the top floor. It was by the best thing we've ever seen. Why is that the Nook Shop in New Horizons has only one upgrade? You would think by now we would get another one soon but it hasn't been the case. It really is strange how the upgrades in this game don't seem to be exciting and its like you would want the shops to keep being refreshed with something new but again it just feels stale and boring.

In past AC games the nook shop was always your go to whenever you wanted new furniture and it always was refreshing whenever new stuff was added even in the full upgraded shop there is so much stuff and you can see what they have. This one in New Horizons just doesn't do much. There needs to be more variety and a reason to keep shopping at the Nook shop. When was the last time you guys stopped by your Nook Shop? Do you still use to get items for your catalog or do you not use as much anymore?
Mmm, yeah I can see where you're coming from. I only use my shop for paint and wrapping paper for my villagers and that's pretty much it. Most of the furniture I find else where via diy recipes or one of my friends trade it to me. Honestly new leaf had way more furniture and way more to buy if you upgrade and you'd think since the game is all about designing your dream island with whatever villagers you want that Nintendo would at least give us something new
I wouldn't say it's pointless...but it's pretty close. I still check it daily...and will find something new very, very, VERY rarely. But, yeah...it's mostly just the same items over and over again. I really don't know why the items are as repetitive as they are. I know for a fact that there are plenty of items left in the catalog that I haven't seen yet. Why do I always see the same handful of things on a loop? It's one of those things that I really don't understand about this game. In a sense, I guess you could argue that it prolongs the experience by making it take longer to obtain things...but I'd argue that it does the opposite. It only serves to burn the player out and make them tire of the repetition.
I haven't even completed the entire catalog without the color variations (and I probably won't bother with those anyway) but my Nook Cranny has had the same line up almost all the time. It might just be horrible rng, but it's made me not bother even checking in on the store at times. So yeah, I can agree with the OP.
As others have stated, I feel like this is an issue you'll encounter no matter what once you reach a complete catalog. And even if they do an upgrade, it'll just be the same thing after a couple of weeks. I can understand wanting new furniture, but if people really expect Nintendo to constantly drop new furniture simply because they're completing their catalog quickly, well then it's not going to happen and you're going to find yourself disappointed.
pretty much this, tbh

all past games had a point where the main store was largely irrelevant, due to having obtained everything. a store upgrade itself won't fix that, short of them doing a massive dump of new items (missing items/sets from older games, ceiling furniture, etc), and even then, it would just delay the same from happening all over

besides, I prefer the nook shopping app anyways, so the store being irrelevant is a blessing by me
pretty much this, tbh

all past games had a point where the main store was largely irrelevant, due to having obtained everything. a store upgrade itself won't fix that, short of them doing a massive dump of new items (missing items/sets from older games, ceiling furniture, etc), and even then, it would just delay the same from happening all over

besides, I prefer the nook shopping app anyways, so the store being irrelevant is a blessing by me

Exactly, I feel like everyone thinks an upgrade will solve the problem but in like 2 weeks after all the TT'ing has been done, we'll be back at square one. I honestly don't care if they never upgrade the shop; just new items is more than enough.

Also same, that app does more for me than the shop does lol.
Nook's Cranny is still useful to me. Sure, it's not as useful when we first started but playing daily for a year and having cataloged almost every item available will obviously come to this point in the game.

I still constantly buy wrapping paper and customization kits. I also buy magazines and books in there for crafting since it's more accessible than ordering with the 5-item limit. I am too lazy to craft broken tools so I still purchase new ones from there. Also medicine for my occasionally sick villagers.

I agree that upgrades to the shop will add nothing significant, except a wider selection of items. But that is pointless if the items are the same. What we need are new items.
If that place didn't sell wrapping paper which I use a lot of for mystery bags then I would never go there. It's such a shame there hasn't been any other upgrades for the shop yet. This game has been out for a year now and that game is still 25% complete. I know the major things they wanted to get out were the holidays and the terraforming but there's like a whole 3 sets of furniture and that wooden block stuff is ugly af.

I love Animal Crossing and genuinely love NH but I get so frustrated that I paid that much for an unfinished game.
I go the shop to sell things and to buy wrapping paper. I don't do much else anymore. The Nook's Cranny on this forum is just a lot better than the one in the game.
It'd be nice if there was an update with Gracie coming into sell the themes and series that aren't covered by the pre-existing furniture. That plus her own designs.

I just go there to sell stuff most of the time these days.
As someone who never really cared to complete the catalog asap and also doing lots of landscaping, I still visit the shop like almost every day. Mainly to see if there are any items I may need (for actual use or just to add it to the catalog) and also to buy saplings and flowers. I mean, it's normal that the shop becomes pretty much useless once you have all the stuff together, it was the same case for any AC title besides NH actually. Perhaps it becomes (at least for a while) more interesting again if they add more items which would show up there, like the old furniture series from NL for example, which could also come along in different color variations. Otherwise, I would also welcome an upgrade which brings back Gracie and her expansive collection.
I mean.. Even in New Leaf, there was a point where the Nook's became kinda pointless because you would have obtained everything in the catalog. So it's not like this is something that only New Horizons has. You would get this kind of issue in any game. I'm just repeating what everyone else seems to be saying. But it's true.

I really don't think an upgrade would be that useful, other than maybe more items on display at one time. We just need more items. That's really the issue. Without new items, we would still be seeing the same stuff everyday with an upgrade.

I disagree with it being pointless. I still go in there almost everyday to buy tools because i'm too lazy to craft them. I also constantly need wrapping paper and customization kits. There are also sometimes items in there that I may want to use for something I'm doing on my island at the time.

I don't think the shop is pointless at all. I find it very useful. Where else are we going to get things like wrapping paper, balloons, tools, flowers, etc?