
I'm at the point where nothing new is showing up as well. It'd be nice if they added some more items to the shop, or changed the color variations with each season, but I'd probably just trade to get the things I want anyway.

I do miss going in there and finding something new. I still buy customization kits regularly.
I mean.. Even in New Leaf, there was a point where the Nook's became kinda pointless because you would have obtained everything in the catalog. So it's not like this is something that only New Horizons has. You would get this kind of issue in any game. I'm just repeating what everyone else seems to be saying. But it's true.

I really don't think an upgrade would be that useful, other than maybe more items on display at one time. We just need more items. That's really the issue. Without new items, we would still be seeing the same stuff everyday with an upgrade.

I disagree with it being pointless. I still go in there almost everyday to buy tools because i'm too lazy to craft them. I also constantly need wrapping paper and customization kits. There are also sometimes items in there that I may want to use for something I'm doing on my island at the time.

I don't think the shop is pointless at all. I find it very useful. Where else are we going to get things like wrapping paper, balloons, tools, flowers, etc?
I guess when you put it that way buying tools and customization kits is useful but it could've been better if you didn't have to mash A so times just to buy a lot of those items. There is still no quantity selection. My thumb still feels a bit sore for mashing the A button since I was trying to get so many Customization kits just to customize the Robo Hero item.

However, tools you buy there still break and again there is no indication to tell when a tool is going to break. I found out recently that the tools you buy at the nook shop can be customized. I didn't know about this until my friend told me about it. It really bothers me because it just makes the gold tools so worthless because they cannot be customized.

I still stand by that we need an upgrade, because its been a year since we had this Nook Shop and we need to see more new items that we haven't seen before and to give us a reason to keep shopping there if they want to keep this game fresh. I know I saw others say that it won't do much but still having a shop upgrade with new items is better than nothing.
I haven't bought furniture from Nook's since probably last fall (besides the festival/seasonal special items). I have however bought tools from them occasionally and other hand held items.

I agree its pretty pointless now, I hope they add a major furniture update or Nook's Cranny upgrade.
Unfortunately I agree. I will say though that it's pretty useful when acquiring new tools. I don't care to craft them because I just don't have the time or energy for it, and I prefer the aesthetic of the outdoor-themed ones so I appreciate buying them through Nook's Cranny when I need a replacement. It also comes in handy for medicine.

But I feel sad just running in, checking turnip prices or occasionally popping open that wardrobe and then running back out. Able Sisters is WAY more engaging. I really hope some better upgrades or something are coming in the future... I really miss the journal still from the GameCube game! Hopefully in the future they add more furniture series in so it'll become more useful. Or maybe Gracie will come back. I still have my fingers crossed for that.
Here's hoping they add Gracie furniture and all the missing furniture sets. I have almost everything else catalogued at this point.

That said, I like the way the building looks, and I hope if they do add a Nook shop upgrade, that it won't be too garish and big like in ACNL...
Not yet pointless for me since I do the 2x Nook Miles challenges daily so I often need stock of customization kits, fruits, saplings, seeds, and gift wrappers for getting villager photos.

I have a feeling that if they do upgrade the shop, it’s going to include a lot of new furniture for sale otherwise it would be pointless.
I’ve played this game nearly every day the past year with hundreds of hours of gameplay, and I still visit Nook’s Cranny each day I play. I think it’s understandable that shopping would take more of a backseat in this game as the big thing is crafting your own furniture from raw materials instead of relying so much on RNG luck for a specific furniture item to come in stock. However, I go there and take advantage of all it has to offer; selling items, checking turnip prices, buying tools instead of crafting them, purchasing gift wrap, medicine, etc. There are also rare days where I run into something I haven’t purchased yet.

I really like the shop’s role in this game. It’s unique to the series and fits in very well with this entry‘s island theme over a large department store with 10 upgrades. Having NPCs randomly come throughout the week instead of settled in the island fits more with the theme and keeps me checking in every day.

For the next game though, I wouldn’t mind the shop having a larger role again. As much as I love the abandoned island concept of NH, I don’t think it should be a series mainstay and I would definitely prefer to see a return to the town aesthetic mixed with the NH idea of coming to unsettled land to build your town from the ground up.
I think the fact that there's only one upgrade might be a design choice. Like, think of it this way. In past games there was a lot more furniture that could appear in the store, and upgrading meant that you'd get access to more items faster. In this game, about half the items (I don't actually know any statistics) are DIYs, so that reduces the number that Nook sells. By keeping the number of available items lower, it extends the amount of time you keep going to the shop to find new stuff. Of course, that falls flat if you just trade for everything you want from other people, but that could apply to the old games too.

I still go in every day. There isn't usually anything I wanna buy, but I prefer to sell my crap at full price instead of using the box.
Yeah I have to agree. I thought it would upgrades would have been added by now, especially since the addition of weekly visitors. I still check the shop daily, especially if there are limited items, but most of the time I leave disappointed lol. Same for able sisters really.
I used to visit the store every day before I started my break some time ago but it was only because I wanted to get rid of those tree branches, whatever I had crafted (I used to craft furniture every day for the milestone. Still a long ways to go, though), whatever villagers had given me and to purchase customization kits. I didn't even bother checking the selection because it was always the same stuff lol. It's been months since I purchased my last new furniture item. The store has needed an urgent upgrade for months now but for some reason they still refuse to give it to it.