
On a scale of 1 to 10 what would you rate the Bunny Day Event

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Events have always been exact copies every year in past ac games. At least we got new items this year for an event, that’s never happened in the past. I’m hoping they add more items for the other holidays this year especially Halloween.
Events have always been exact copies every year in past ac games. At least we got new items this year for an event, that’s never happened in the past. I’m hoping they add more items for the other holidays this year especially Halloween.
Yeah I hope so. Halloween was actually my favorite event from last year.
I don't know what a new player thinks, but from a returning player perspective, it's still annoying. I've had animals ask me to get them specific fish lately and the water eggs are annoying. The sky eggs are so loud. I had one go over my head when listening to KK Slider just now and I just thought "really?!" As someone who no longer needs to collect fossils or really needs money anymore, the fossil spots are completely unnecessary, and the eggs showing up make even more.

The only good thing about Bunny Day this year is that the new items are pretty decent.
I voted 6/10 though I would maybe rate it as high as 7.5 tbh. I am finding the water and stone eggs really annoying to get, but aside from that, the event is significantly more enjoyable to me than festivale was or even thanksgiving. Thanksgiving had a lot of potential to be one of the best ones, buy I was honestly pretty disappointed with that one (and no flour sack or vinegar bottles or any of the dishes that we made as furniture 😭). I haven’t had a chance to play much during the last bunny day except on a friend’s island who tted to it. I got my game May of last year.
I don't care much for Easter, dunno it have never been a big thing in my life, but I think it's the best eggxecuted event in the game, it actually feels like an event rather than a tiny side quest.
Just unfortunate that most of the DIYs are hideous, but I love the new Easter items sold at Nooks.
As Licorice said the events are always the same every year in every game.
We should count ourselves lucky we got extra this year.

I think last year the event was amazing and there was too much crying from non relaxed fans.
Now the event is too fast with a small spawn rate and the event is ruined.
Last year's was better
As Licorice said the events are always the same every year in every game.
We should count ourselves lucky we got extra this year.

I think last year the event was amazing and there was too much crying from non relaxed fans.
Now the event is too fast with a small spawn rate and the event is ruined.
Last year's was better
Yeah last year were spawn rates were going crazy you would get so many eggs. It was fun at first but after about a week it started to get tiring. I think it is fair, because back then we were still trying to get materials but those eggs, because the spawn rate was so high it was almost was impossible to get materials. I pretty much prefer this new one to the old one, mainly because its a fair balance between the eggs and the materials themselves, not to mention how shorten the event was.
Yeah last year were spawn rates were going crazy you would get so many eggs. It was fun at first but after about a week it started to get tiring. I think it is fair, because back then we were still trying to get materials but those eggs, because the spawn rate was so high it was almost was impossible to get materials. I pretty much prefer this new one to the old one, mainly because its a fair balance between the eggs and the materials themselves, not to mention how shorten the event was.
I was super relaxed back then so I didn't mind missing out on mats but I can see how I more speed might minded player might be
I rated it a ten, but I prefer how it was last year because now I’m trying to complete it again on my second character and it’s so difficult to find water eggs. I only have 11 of them and I still haven’t unlocked the water egg clothes. I wish they hadn’t nerfed the egg spawn rate. I thought it was way more fun last year and the eggs didn’t bother me because I wasn’t in a rush to complete my island.
I wasn't able to play the event this year due to issues and resetting my island, but from what I have seen, it's gotten so much better than how it was last year. As a returning player I can say that last year it was horrific. I thought 2 weeks wouldn't have been so bad, but once it finally arrived I'm sure I had reoccurring nightmares of Zipper T. Bunny throwing Bunny Day eggs on me during the event. So many eggs...
Even with all those eggs I NEVER was able to get each DIY recipe. It was brutal.

I would have given it a 6 as well, but I gave it a 5 because Easter has never been my favorite and It's definitely not a favorite event of mine.
I am not a big fan of this event. Since I completed it last year, I just won't bother.

I certainly did appreciate the improvements though. You can now trade eggs.
I ended up collecting more eggs for more of the standout items in the sets for me (the egg table, the egg lamps, the baloons) but I wasn't so pressed because I already had crafted all of them last year. I absolutely love the new items, though; each one is adorable and puts me in a very spring mood.
as a returning player, i honestly didn’t bother with bunny day this year as i already experienced it and obtained all of the diys last year. that being said, i definitely appreciate that the egg spawn rates were lowered and the new items are amazing! bunny day still isn’t my favourite event but it went a lot better this year imo. :’)
Actually, I didn't really mind the spawn rates of eggs least year. I liked I was able to get all the DIYs without paying hours upon hours, which kept it fun! (It wouldn't surprise you that I never was able to collect all the Christmas and spring blossom DIYs, even though I play everyday. This year I won't finish the latter either, as I just don't have the luck too get the recipes it seems.. haven't found even one.)

Anyway, I still like the event, same as a bonus we got new furniture which in other AC games never happened! I have it a 7 (as I don't need to do anything besides buying from Nooks this year).
I'm new to the Bunny Day event so I can't comment on last year but I do remember reading reviews from others saying how annoying it was when it came to amount of eggs that were hidden on your islands. So when it came to seeing Zipper the other day I was dubious about Bunny Day thinking it would be a repeat of last year with it leading to me hating the holiday. However so far I've enjoyed it, although my egg ratio seems to somewhat unbalanced a I have more leaf and earth eggs than I can count and catching water and sky eggs has been few and far between. Overall though I've loved some of themed DIY's like the balloons as well as what Nook's have been selling with the Easter egg trees, planters and signage, it looks gorgeous alongside the Cherry Blossom Festival which I wish would last longer than 10 days.
I have playing the event last year it was fun I still play and if i find eggs I keep them for new players
This is my first bunny day and I really enjoyed it! I liked how it changed my daily routine as I usually don’t chop trees, hit rocks etc for resources anymore. The eggs and recipes where easy enough to collect without overwhelming normal spawn rates for fish and balloons. 8/10 for me.