
On a scale of 1 to 10 what would you rate the Bunny Day Event

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I am not a big fan of this event. Since I completed it last year, I just won't bother.

I certainly did appreciate the improvements though. You can now trade eggs.
Yeah its good you can trade with your villagers. I don't think that was there last year from what I remember, since it was only Zipper you had to trade with during that time. Its good to know they made it easier trading with the villagers if you had problems finding certain eggs. Its almost like the Festivale event where you were trading feathers, but the only difference is that they don't ask for specific eggs, you can trade whatever eggs you want to give them for the one you're looking for.
I thought it was pretty cute. However, a problem I had with it was there were too many DIYs that one had to find and craft. I was nervous about being able to get them all on Bunny Day so I was scrambling around finding them & eggs and crafting them in advance. Then Bunny Day arrived and there wasn't much left for me to do. If the number of DIYs hadn't seemed so intimidating, I might have waited to play it until today. It might have been nice if there were 7 or 10 DIYs and Zipper told you that at the beginning, so you'd have more of a sense of how well you are doing. And if there were a set smaller number of DIYs it would be easier to know how many total eggs you need. As it is, you need to go online and look at the guide and then be stock piling eggs.

The clothing was also confusing. Initially, I thought I also had to craft all those. I was relieved when I learned that it wasn't required because that would be 18 additional items. Ugh.

So it was a good event but a little overwhelming. I think Halloween is better but they are both cute. Also, Jack is a lot cuter than Zipper.
i don't know what's the problem with eggs, like yeah it can get a little annoying when you're trying to get a fish or something but it's just the same inconvenience as...getting a different fish from what you want. The eggs are fun to collect imo, they're super useful for consuming and moving trees around, they're cute gifts for villagers and they look pretty if you scatter them around the island. I get other issues with the game like the lack of specific things and NPC's missing are problems i can understand, but the presence of eggs during an Easter Event I just don't see how it's such a big problem. Of course i get someone being annoyed with something and they don't have to justify themselves to me, i totally respect how they feel, but the egg issue has been taken a bit out proportion in my opinion ; v ; ah these are my thoughts for last year anyway

i haven't played the event this year cause my game time is a little behind than real time, but i'll be sad if i can't get as many eggs!
i don't know what's the problem with eggs, like yeah it can get a little annoying when you're trying to get a fish or something but it's just the same inconvenience as...getting a different fish from what you want. The eggs are fun to collect imo, they're super useful for consuming and moving trees around, they're cute gifts for villagers and they look pretty if you scatter them around the island. I get other issues with the game like the lack of specific things and NPC's missing are problems i can understand, but the presence of eggs during an Easter Event I just don't see how it's such a big problem. Of course i get someone being annoyed with something and they don't have to justify themselves to me, i totally respect how they feel, but the egg issue has been taken a bit out proportion in my opinion ; v ; ah these are my thoughts for last year anyway

i haven't played the event this year cause my game time is a little behind than real time, but i'll be sad if i can't get as many eggs!
Well the issue was since you collected a lot of eggs throughout the week and then when you actually get to the Event. You talk to Zipper he still talks like you need to look for eggs, but you already did. Not to mentioned you found most of the DIYS up until this point, so it makes finding eggs pointless, since you already have enough. It would've been better if you didn't have eggs at all and you can actually hunt for them. Thats for new players who are just logging onto the event and they don't have eggs so that is the perfect opportunity.

However, since you already played throughout the week and you have a lot of the Bunny Day eggs and DIYS the event just ends pretty short. You do still have to talk to Zipper to trade in 6 different types of eggs and then you get (Spoiler Alert)
A Bunny Day Basket. Then when you finished craft all of the Bunny Day DIYS he gives you a Zipper Toy DIY. You craft that and then the last item you get is a Bunny Day Wand DIY. Thats pretty much it.

Again like I said for new players who never played the event and are just now playing it its refreshing and very good to start egg hunting and look for Bunny Day DIYS, but for me as a returning player since I already have all the Bunny Day DIYS from last year it really doesn't do much for me.
I'm giving it a 7/10. The change of the egg drop rate made it a lot better than last year, although it was still a bit annoying trying to find fossils with so many eggs in the ground. The constant sound of the balloons is still pretty bad, but this time it played a little bit in my favour because often the egg balloon came at the same time as the regular balloon, so I couldn't miss it. This way I got a lot more cherry blossom dyis! That's what I'm the happiest about.
The only thing I really don't like are the dyis for the egg outfits, why are there so any of them, can't we just cusomize them? Otherwise I'm pretty happy with the event, especially since they've made it shorter :)
I didn't really play it this year, so it will be strange to review it, but I would give it an 8/10.

I originally thought that Bunny Day was the most fleshed-out holiday because there was so much to do. And since they toned it down a lot, this year's hasn't been as ridiculous as last year's, so I would give it an 8/10 (last year would be 6/10 for me). Plus, the new furniture is so nice. I do wish the new furniture were prizes from trading eggs instead of just buying them, and then they could appear in Nook's afterwards for an inflated price—that would give me incentive to do Bunny Day again and for me to buy them after if I couldn't get what I wanted.
Again like I said for new players who never played the event and are just now playing it its refreshing and very good to start egg hunting and look for Bunny Day DIYS, but for me as a returning player since I already have all the Bunny Day DIYS from last year it really doesn't do much for me.

i think that's gonna be the case with all the events you already have played and have all the rewards for, and that's just how it's always been for AC, the events are always the same, cause it's not an MMO that gets brand new holiday events and stuff. Personally i was surprised they added new items this year at all :0
i think that's gonna be the case with all the events you already have played and have all the rewards for, and that's just how it's always been for AC, the events are always the same, cause it's not an MMO that gets brand new holiday events and stuff. Personally i was surprised they added new items this year at all :0
Well I personally think thats a good thing. It will be interesting to see what they will do with the events they added since last year. They have to give returning players something to at least look forward to even though they did it last year.
Well I personally think thats a good thing. It will be interesting to see what they will do with the events they added since last year. They have to give returning players something to at least look forward to even though they did it last year.

i'm happy with them adding new things ofc so i won't disagree!

The overabundance of eggs is annoying and invasive.
I liked the event better when it lasted just a day like the other events.
I've never liked bunny day since it was introduced in city folk so it gets a 2/10 for me. I would rate it 1/10 but I like the music so it gets an extra point.
I have barely been playing recently so I don't feel like I could give a fair review of the event, but I will say that last year - aside from the high spawn rates of eggs - I did enjoy the event. I also really like that this year they introduced some new items that I absolutely adore, I much prefer them to the bunny day DIYs.
overall the event is cute, but it doesn't draw me in enough to make playing through it a huge priority
I actually found it enjoyable this time around. Pleasantly surprised how less tedious it was. I think its because the first Bunny Day was around release so many players like myself were still trying to catalogue items and fill out the Nookipedia.
I just played through all of October and finished the Halloween event which was super cute, so it is very hard for Bunny Day to live up to that.

Either way, I think it is alright. I did not participate in it since I already finished everything last year, but I appreciate that the eggs weren't as annoying.

As for the event itself, its biggest strong suit for me is the NPC related to it - I immensely enjoyed Zipper last year and was happy to see him again this year. The experience of running into him for the first time, seeing this huge creepy shadow lurking in the distance only to discover that it's a cute yet slightly unsetteling bunny was probably one of my favorite moments of the game. Like I said, I just played through the awesome Halloween event and as much as I enjoyed Jack, he's got nothing on Zipper.

The Bunny Day items are fine, I guess. I'm not into Easter in the real world and I'm not decorating seasonally, so items that make it onto my island have to be usable all throughout the year. Last year's items were a very mixed back, the only things I liked and actually use are the Bunny Day lamp as well as the Bunny Day table. I also ran around in the Wood egg dress all the time since I didn't have Able's unlocked and it gave me somewhat classy retro vibes. The items sold by the Nooklings this year are a huge step up overall and quite gorgeoues, however not for me since a) mostly too specifically Easter-related and b) very pastely, dropping right the moment that I got rid of all of the pastel colors on my island. Only the Bunny day topiary will be very much used and cherished.

Lastly, when it comes to how much fun I've had with the actual activities of the event, I have to say it was alright. Not nearly as entertaining as Halloween, but I do remember enjoying it last year and being excited about what Zipper was going to give me. It wasn't great enough for me to do it twice, but I think it's cute that the animals are clearly enjoying it and seeing Chops dressed up in a pastel colored dress did make me smile 🥰

Overall, I would give the event a 7/10.
I think Bunny Day was much better this year now that the event has a shorter run time. But because I already have all the items and diys from Zipper’s well as left over eggs from last year, I didn’t feel the need to go out of my way and participate. The new items at Nook’s were nice and I can see the benefit for players who’ve already done the event to get new items without having to do it again, but I would have rather had new diys or at least a new bunny day basket on bunny day.

I rated this year’s bunny day a 7. I think that it is one of the most involved events in New Horizon which I like(mini game aspect of finding and building all the diys), and the time Frame was improved. I took points off because the new items were not part of the event and no new diys.
I personally liked bunny day a lot more this time around. last time I was so frustrated with the high egg count while I was trying to gather basic materials to build furniture for my island so skipped a lot of the event and only crafted less than half of the DIYs, and didn't even unlock the water egg clothing DIYs. But this time around since I didn't really need materials, balloon DIYs, or fish I had a much more fun and relaxed time getting the eggs. My only issue was that it took a while to get enough water eggs to unlock the DIYs but that's good for the people who were actually trying to fish so I can't complain. But now that I've crafted all the DIYs I don't know if I'll do anything for this event next year.
Also the new easter themed furniture in Nook's Cranny this year was a nice surprise and I like the majority of the items so I'd love if they could do the same for some of the other events this year!
I gave it a 5. I'm glad they toned it down, but even a week is just too much for me. I get why the made it go on so long last year. It was during the beginning of the pandemic and the holiday was used for padding because most of the updates weren't out yet. But they overdid it and realized that and toned it down. Heck they even threw out an update right away to drop the balloon egg rate.

It should had just been one day and they could've found a different way to rework the bunny day diy for reoccurring players and new comers. None of the other holidays have been 2 or even 1 week long. The only thing that came close was Wedding month, but you had to go to Harv's studio for it to even be relevant. So I wasn't constantly getting the event mentioned/thrown in my face like I am with eggs, villagers bringing it up, ect.

I did like the new items they brought over and they're a lot better aesthetically then the diy if you ask me. I hope they continue adding little things to each event. I know people are saying the events stay the same in all other games (and they do) but some of us are sticking around to see what kind of updates happen and so additions to events are a breath of fresh air to.
This year's Bunny Day is definitely better this time around, and that's because of one primary reason: I know what I'm doing and I know what to expect.

Last year, I barely have no idea on what's going on. It's chaotic. It's overwhelming. So many DIYs to get. So many things happening at the same time. The annoying constant balloons and whooshing sounds. The very time-limited cherry blossom season is ongoing. We are on our early stages of the game where resources are important and the eggs overtake it for 12 long days. It's just pure evil. Even this paragraph has a lot of things going on. This is what last year's Bunny Day feels like.

But this time around, I have nothing to worry about. I just need to purchase the 5 new items (which is great considering previous games don't add anything new). No DIYs to get. No need to farm eggs. The balloons are far less frequent. I get to enjoy the whole week without being stressed. And the cherry blossoms finally have the week for itself.

Of course, this experience is different for the others. But personally, I am happy with this year's event.
I was going to give it a 5/10 and initially voted that, but I ended up giving it a 7/10.

Because I had played it last year, I didn't have to actually participate in any of the Bunny Day tasks (If there were new tasks for this year then big yikes because I missed the memo). That was a relief because I didn't have as much dedicated play time to the game this year and I wouldn't have been able to farm eggs anyways.

I think I would have been a bit happier with the event if there was something exclusive to this time around's event that I could get. The new Nook's furniture items were nice, but now that I don't play religiously it was a bit easier to miss some of the items.
as a returning player, i definitely haven't changed how i've felt about it! i actually kinda like zipper t. bunny the character, but the event isn't my favorite. i feel kinda bad that nintendo gave him such an undesirable event because, in the story, he puts. a lot of work into bunny day despite how tiring it is for him lol ;; so i gave an 8/10 since i like the character a lot!