
Fishing Journey or Bug Off?

  • Fishing Journey

    Votes: 22 30.1%
  • Bug Off

    Votes: 51 69.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I like the fishing tourney for the prizes but I enjoy the bug off a lot more in terms of competitive play. Bug off is way more fun with friends since people are running around chaotically or camping in flower gardens, lol.
I prefer the fishing tourney because it’s the one I can always guarantee getting more things to spawn by standing in the same spot throwing fish bait into the water and in general I prefer fishing in the game. Also I like the overall prizes more for the fishing tourney.

The bug off does have some benefits like having Flick, who I do prefer over CJ, and the butterfly wall prize that I really liked, also when a lot of the butterflies spawn it can be fun rushing around catching them but I’ve had too many times that very little spawns and then it just becomes frustrating rather then fun.
Only slightly related, but since people have mentioned prizes I am still sad that you cannot display a bug in the antique bug cage 😔

I think the Bug off prizes had some of my favorite/ most used prizes - particularly the shirt, which I love, but also the bug cage bag, antique bug cage and butterfly wall, but also my least favorites - the bug toys, which I naturally seem to get more of than anything else.

I am also afraid of/ have intense disgust of ants, so the anthill is just...😵
I do like both but much prefer the Bug Off. I love running around catching bugs. I also find it easier than fishing because you don't waste as much time having to wait for the fish to take the bait.
I find bug catching more fun than fishing majority of the time, but in terms of spawn rate I prefer the fishing tourney because I feel like I spend more time trying to find bugs than actually catching them! the bug off prizes are also superior.. maybe I need to change my vote
Hmm, I have to go with Bug Off purely because I can't stand fishing in animal crossing. It's one of my least favourite activities to do. (Which is why my fish section of my museum will never be complete).

Bug catching however, I quite enjoy. It might have something to do with Flick being one of my favourite NPC's. I think running around and trying to catch bugs is a lot of fun. Especially if your island is busy and it's kinda hard to run in certain places (my island is exactly this). It adds more challenge.

I also prefer the prizes from the bug off. I think they are a lot cuter.
As much as I like Flick, I've always preferred the fishing tourney. Partially because I just enjoy fishing as a mechanic in general, and partially cos I think the new fishing items in this game are pretty neat haha
bug-off because i think the prizes are a lot cuter, i like interacting with flick more than cj, and i enjoy catching the bugs more than fishing, bugs are just cool both in-game and irl tbh.
Hmm, I have to go with Bug Off purely because I can't stand fishing in animal crossing. It's one of my least favourite activities to do. (Which is why my fish section of my museum will never be complete).

Bug catching however, I quite enjoy. It might have something to do with Flick being one of my favourite NPC's. I think running around and trying to catch bugs is a lot of fun. Especially if your island is busy and it's kinda hard to run in certain places (my island is exactly this). It adds more challenge.

I also prefer the prizes from the bug off. I think they are a lot cuter.
Can you give any tips on where bugs spawn? I don't know why I had trouble last year doing the bug off and the bugs seem to not want to spawn. I know they spawn in trees, tree stumps, and they are flying around, but I really don't know where else they can spawn,
Can you give any tips on where bugs spawn? I don't know why I had trouble last year doing the bug off and the bugs seem to not want to spawn. I know they spawn in trees, tree stumps, and they are flying around, but I really don't know where else they can spawn,
Things like praying mantises, orchid mantises, and ladybugs can be found on flowers. Orchid mantises in particular only show up on white flowers.

Snails can be found on rocks and bushes/shrubs when it's raining.

There are usually plenty of grasshoppers, rice grasshoppers, long locusts, migratory locusts, crickets, and bell crickets hopping around depending on the season.

Ants can be found if you leave out a piece of garbage, a piece of candy, or a rotten turnip on the ground. Flies can be found the same way, though less common.

You can find things like Pill Bugs and Centipedes by hitting rocks with a shovel, but this probably isn't something you'd want to do during the Bug-Off because you'd either lower your potential score by wasting time hitting the rocks, or you'd be sacrificing that rock's daily crafting materials or bells.

You can find wharf roaches on the beach rocks around your island if they're in a convenient location and you can also find hermit crabs on the beach as well.

Diving Beetles, Pond Skaters, and Giant Water Bugs like to swim across the rivers.

Depending on the time of year, you can find plenty of bugs on trees. Expensive beetles show up on coconut trees in the Summertime, stick bugs, atlas moths, and various cicadas like the normal trees.

I would recommend planting more flowers if you don't have many. It would at least help with the two types of mantis, the ladybug, and bees. Additionally, I don't know the specifics or if it works the same as in New Leaf, but at least in that game, flowers caused more butterflies to spawn. Peacock Butterflies in particular in New Horizons happen to only spawn around purple, black, or blue flowers.
Things like praying mantises, orchid mantises, and ladybugs can be found on flowers. Orchid mantises in particular only show up on white flowers.

Snails can be found on rocks and bushes/shrubs when it's raining.

There are usually plenty of grasshoppers, rice grasshoppers, long locusts, migratory locusts, crickets, and bell crickets hopping around depending on the season.

Ants can be found if you leave out a piece of garbage, a piece of candy, or a rotten turnip on the ground. Flies can be found the same way, though less common.

You can find things like Pill Bugs and Centipedes by hitting rocks with a shovel, but this probably isn't something you'd want to do during the Bug-Off because you'd either lower your potential score by wasting time hitting the rocks, or you'd be sacrificing that rock's daily crafting materials or bells.

You can find wharf roaches on the beach rocks around your island if they're in a convenient location and you can also find hermit crabs on the beach as well.

Diving Beetles, Pond Skaters, and Giant Water Bugs like to swim across the rivers.

Depending on the time of year, you can find plenty of bugs on trees. Expensive beetles show up on coconut trees in the Summertime, stick bugs, atlas moths, and various cicadas like the normal trees.

I would recommend planting more flowers if you don't have many. It would at least help with the two types of mantis, the ladybug, and bees. Additionally, I don't know the specifics or if it works the same as in New Leaf, but at least in that game, flowers caused more butterflies to spawn. Peacock Butterflies in particular in New Horizons happen to only spawn around purple, black, or blue flowers.
Hmm I have a lot of blue roses planted and different variety of flowers in that one area I don't use on my island. I also have a lot of trees on Layer 3 so I would check there. I didn't know bugs can spawn on the rocks that are on the beach. Thats new to me. Thanks for the tips. I'll keep that in mind when the next Bug Off season comes.
I like the fishing tourney more if i play it with my friends because we can collect bait faster with each other but alone i prefer the bug tourney
Bug off is my favorite, but I don't dislike the fishing tournament!

I dislike how I can't make a stack of fish bait at once. It just gets really tedious after a while. 😭 The prizes for each tournament are pretty comparable for me.
Bug off is my favorite, but I don't dislike the fishing tournament!

I dislike how I can't make a stack of fish bait at once. It just gets really tedious after a while. 😭 The prizes for each tournament are pretty comparable for me.
Yeah it is annoying having to craft a lot of fish bait. Wish you can just buy Fish Bait from the Nook Shop. Also I realized that there is no Honey in this game since that was only in Pocket Camp.
Yeah it is annoying having to craft a lot of fish bait. Wish you can just buy Fish Bait from the Nook Shop. Also I realized that there is no Honey in this game since that was only in Pocket Camp.
A honey diy would be an awesome addition to acnh! If you can make fish bait, why not make bug bait too?
That is a hard question. I like both of them, but fishing tourney is better because of the rewards and I think fishing is fun. :')
I don't like both of them that much tbh. I was already back in the previous titles not a huge fan of any of these events, they are for me fun for maybe like one or two times, but becoming boring after a while. If I had to pick one however, I would say fishing tourney, I just prefer fishing a little bit over hunting bugs. Although in comparison between both events, I kinda like the rewards you can get from Bug Off more.