
Fishing Journey or Bug Off?

  • Fishing Journey

    Votes: 22 30.1%
  • Bug Off

    Votes: 51 69.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
while i enjoy both, i do prefer the bug off just because they're easier to catch then fish are for me.
I prefer the bug off because I can’t stand talking to CJ and his whole personality annoys me. It’s also fun running around looking for bugs

CJ is the wooooorst. And I am doubly annoyed at him because he makes me do his stupid fishing challenge before I can sell him a fish. The Twins don't make me do this CJ. I don't need your money.
Was going to say the bugoff, because catching bugs is easier than fishing since I play without sound, but after several rounds of the fishing tourney, I'm going to say neither.

I dislike the short rounds, I dislike that you have to empty out the box everytime, and I dislike the 15 lines of repetitive dialogue after I've already done the event 20 times... I spend more time talking to the npc and running around than the actual event. Also the random rewards when I just want one or two specific things is really annoying. After we get all the rewards, either let us pick or restart the list.
Of all the prizes, the Artisinal Bug Cage is the only one I would ever use on my island. But I appreciate the fishing tourney because playing a few rounds usually helps me find a new fish for the museum (I hate fishing, so I don't often do it on my own).
Soooo I went back and replayed the Bug Off and it was actually better than I thought. It came to my conclusion that I had a lot of sapling trees planted and a lot of flowers nearby so I was able to catch a lot of bugs. The most I got was 15. If anyone wants to know what date I went back to it was July 25th, 2020. After doing the event for almost 3 hours I managed to get 300 points.

I will say that the Bug Off goes a lot more faster than the Fishing Journey. Overall I still like the Fishing Journey but the Bug Off after replaying it has really grown on me. Its not as bad as I thought. Maybe because of last year it wasn't good, but since I replayed it by time traveling its better than I thought.
When your island is (over) populated by many many hybrids, Bug Off is a piece of cake. I also like bug catching waay more than fishing. Fishing is hard when you have that 'itchy trigger finger'.

However I agree with moritz the Fishing Tourney does have much better rewards. I don't like the gimmicky and tackiness of the Bug Off prizes. They remind me of cheap prizes you get at a fair only to later forget about them and never use them or throw them away. The Fishing Tourney items are much better, they're more realistic and you can actually use them for decoration and some have a purpose. Plus, the Fishing Tourney stuff goes perfectly with my old nautical town themed island. It's annoying getting them but it's worth it in the end, ESP those anchor statues😍
Loved both but it's harder to fish now with an old injury to my hand. Bug Off on my 2nd Island had better spawn rates.
Favorite prizes are the Fish Off.
When your island is (over) populated by many many hybrids.
Not just the hybrids, but when you have a lot of sapling trees where those Cicadas will spawn. I want you to know I went back and replayed the Bug Off that was in July 2020 and found out that these spawn on sapling trees a lot more frequently so I was able to catch a lot of bugs that way.
Not just the hybrids, but when you have a lot of sapling trees where those Cicadas will spawn. I want you to know I went back and replayed the Bug Off that was in July 2020 and found out that these spawn on sapling trees a lot more frequently so I was able to catch a lot of bugs that way.

My island doesn't have alot of trees since I'm still working on it, but my hybrid flowers reproduced like wild fire so I got a BUNCH of butterflies+other flower bugs. Plus with bugs you catch you can sell them back to Flick that day. Since I had hybrids I got some rarer butterflies.

Also cicadas can get scared, butterflies usually don't. Usually.
My island doesn't have alot of trees since I'm still working on it, but my hybrid flowers reproduced like wild fire so I got a BUNCH of butterflies+other flower bugs. Plus with bugs you catch you can sell them back to Flick that day. Since I had hybrids I got some rarer butterflies.

Also cicadas can get scared, butterflies usually don't. Usually.
Well you just have to walk slowly to them and catch them with your net. Thats what I do. It takes time to master because sometimes your character would run up too fast and they get scared. I would tilt the control stick slightly and then when you are near the Cicada you can grab them with your net. I was able to do that and it worked out really well.
Well you just have to walk slowly to them and catch them with your net. Thats what I do. It takes time to master because sometimes your character would run up too fast and they get scared. I would tilt the control stick slightly and then when you are near the Cicada you can grab them with your net. I was able to do that and it worked out really well.

I know how to stalk a bug, I just prefer being able to freely run around catching flying bugs.
I prefer bug off because it's much easier and quicker to catch bugs as opposed to catching fish. In the fishing tourney, I would be losing precious seconds just because I didn't position my fishing rod right or that the fish are really stubborn and end up swimming the other way, which tends to happen a lot. That goes double for pond fish.
I have preferred the Bug Off because the bugs seem to me more prolific over the Fishing Tournament where the player has to resort to the Bait to get lots of fish in a round.

Speaking of the Fish Bait. I wish we could buy them in the store. Yes, we can make them, but I think it should be available as a choice for those that value time over money.
Fishing can be less of a challenge with bait. And just looking at fish shadows can be a bit dull.

I prefer chasing the bugs around my island.
Bug Off for the activity, Fishing Tourney for the prizes. Really wish fishes would spawn and bite quicker during a tourney. One would need to farm fish bait if they wanted to get high points. Wouldn't be so bad if there was a way to get bait quicker.
Bug Off for the activity, Fishing Tourney for the prizes. Really wish fishes would spawn and bite quicker during a tourney. One would need to farm fish bait if they wanted to get high points. Wouldn't be so bad if there was a way to get bait quicker.
Yeah trying to catch the fish without fish bait is a problem, since you have to really wonder around your island looking the ocean or river for fish shadows. You have to becareful not to run too fast otherwise they will be scared off. Its hard not to rush whenever you're on a timer and trying to catch as many fish as you can.
I don't really like either but if I had to pick I prefer the bug-off, only because I find it easier. I don't like timed events so I don't really participate in either of them anymore outside of the first one I did. I found the bug-off less stressful though because I'm better at catching bugs than fishing, lol. When I would try and fish under the timer I'd stress about finding a fish shadow, trying to cast my line in a good spot, and I was much more apt to reel in too soon 😂 With the bug-off I could see the bugs and I find them to easier to catch! Still not perfect and I had a lot of bugs get away but it felt a little more fun. 🥰 As a whole though I don't generally care for either even or their prizes so I don't participate.
Hands down the Bug Off. The Bug Off is more interesting than the FT. I like Flick as a character more than CJ. CJ just comes across as very annoying so doing an event with him would also be annoying. The Bug Off is also more of a challenge than the FT. With the FT all you need to do is prep fish bait like a mad man and cast away. The rewards are also so much better. My fav rewards from the Bug Off are the Spider Web and Termite Mound. I don't have any favourite decorations from the FT so theres no initiative to do the event for me