
I still think it's outrageous. I literally just ranted to my brother about it yesterday, lol.
But seriously, I don't know why they did that. It makes no sense. The switch is a lot of times used as a family console. I'd like to try making a whole new island without having to start over and lose my save data. And I would have been saved a lot of arguments with my brother if Nintendo just made it so that you could have more than one island per console!! I'm not getting another switch just so I can get another island. That's 200+ dollars I could use on something else. My opinion on it hasn't changed one bit. And I don't think nintendo will change this, sadly.
I dont know what the right answer to this would have been.

Obviously you want to be able to share your island with others. Like maybe you want your kid to have a house on the island. It's good that's a thing.

So that rules out other users having their own island.

I dont know if there is a way to register that you've put in a different cartridge to the first so I dont know how they could make owning multiple copies of the game translate into multiple islands on the same switch.

I dont see them wanting to just give people multiple islands on their start menu.

I dont know how they could have handled it better. Its a shame buying a new console is the only way but it is what it is.

I highly doubt they will ever change this.
I’m ok with. In new leaf I had two towns, and I only ever played in one. Same thing with all the other games that had two files. Once I started a new file, I would completely abandon the old one. I don’t share my switch or any of my other consoles, so I don’t have a problem of having to share an island.

Personally, I don't think they will add an option of creating a new island. I don’t think the switch has the capacity to implement that. Already a lot of people have issues with frame drop, and that’s just with one island.
i... am somewhere in the middle?

i'm not desperate for a second island, but i wouldn't mind having one. there are definitely a lot of other villagers i'd like to have around permanently, but decorating an entire second island sounds like such a slog to me. i barely have enough ideas/energy to cover the first, and still have a lot of work to do. (although that's mainly due to blue roses being so absurdly difficult to breed.)

i don't think they'll ever add an option to have a second island, since it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you can just implement this far in, but i also don't know why they didn't just take the NL/DS approach where towns were saved to the cartridges and not the consoles. maybe backups wouldn't be possible that way (although i doubt it) but i'm less likely to lose or break a cartridge than i am to need to replace my switch lite because of the crappy hardware.
I had 2 towns with New Leaf. On 2 different 3DS consoles. Honestly, this isn't much different for me.

Granted, I'm the only one using the Switch, so I don't need more than one console, and I have enough to do on my island that I'd end up neglecting one or the other if I had two, so it really doesn't impact me.

I can see where a household with a family might have problems all sharing one island, though.
i... am somewhere in the middle?

i'm not desperate for a second island, but i wouldn't mind having one. there are definitely a lot of other villagers i'd like to have around permanently, but decorating an entire second island sounds like such a slog to me. i barely have enough ideas/energy to cover the first, and still have a lot of work to do. (although that's mainly due to blue roses being so absurdly difficult to breed.)

i don't think they'll ever add an option to have a second island, since it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you can just implement this far in, but i also don't know why they didn't just take the NL/DS approach where towns were saved to the cartridges and not the consoles. maybe backups wouldn't be possible that way (although i doubt it) but i'm less likely to lose or break a cartridge than i am to need to replace my switch lite because of the crappy hardware.
Yeah the thing is on the original Animal Crossing on GameCube you were able to use 2 Memory Cards and you would have 2 Towns on only one console. That was so easy and simple to do back then. However these days we have SD cards and like I mentioned before they cannot be used for this game because the save data is imported onto the system meaning that there is no way to transfer it to another SD card.
I suppose it makes sense, given that you have the option to share islands with other members of the switch, and it is how I was expecting it to be but nevertheless I do wish that I could have multiple islands on a switch. I ended up buying myself a switch lite about 2 days after NH was released because i couldn't hack sharing the island/switch with my sister (which obviously not everybody can do). during NL I eventually ended up with multiple towns which i loved because it meant i had one cartridge where i could just reset whenever i wanted, and then another where i could dedicate more time into a town. i do wish they'd implement saving to the cartridge/game itself and not the console but alas i think it's too late for that, it doesn't feel like a likely introduction to me
I used to be upset about it and I understand why a lot of people don’t like it. But now that I’ve bought a second switch just so I could have another island, I would be annoyed if nintendo changed this because then I would‘ve wasted a lot of money.
It bothers me.

I don't personally want two islands at the moment but the fact that I can't ever have a second one without purchasing another Switch is a little frustrating. On my 3DS I could buy as many physical copies as I wanted and I could have one digital town. I can't do that with New Horizons and I really don't understand why not. The decision to tie our games save, even if we buy the physical cartridge, to the console was baffling. I was never expecting to load up New Horizons and see multiple save files optional from that screen but the fact we can't buy a second copy and that other profiles on my switch don't get their own save? That's where I start having problems.

The Switch is marketed as a home console. It's a hybrid - both handheld and stationary. Anytime we had home consoles growing up we only ever had one. One Wii, one Xbox, one Playstation, etc. so it was understood we had to share them. I'm assuming that's the same expectations among households with only one big Switch. You share the console and you share the games. The Switch even lets you make different profiles for each person so that they can all have separate save files for other games.

So why is Animal Crossing different? It's not a "fun family experience" to have only one player get to be in charge. Maybe it's passable if it's a parent and young child sharing an island and somebody isn't super invested in it but even still. Animal Crossing is a multiplayer experience in terms of trading items and visiting each others islands but it's not suited to be a multiplayer experience when it comes to sharing an island. One players gets more privileges and gets a fuller experience while the other players are basically glorified villagers. It's frustrating.

I would be so frustrated if I had to share my island with my sisters, especially if I wasn't the one in charge. I know for a fact one of my older sisters would love terraforming and re-doing the island constantly. I've barely touched the terraforming mechanic and for the most part a lot of my buildings are in the same spot I put them in at the start. My oldest sister owns the game and she loves that cottagecore, super-jam-packed-can-barely-navigate-my-island aesthetic. It makes me feel claustrophobic, lol. I think it's stunning for pictures but to actually wander around and enjoy my island I like it to be more open. Our play styles are different enough that sharing an island would've just caused fights when we were younger. New Horizons is meant to be a game where you get to personalize and decorate your island the way you want and move in your favourite villager friends. I don't see how that's achievable when sharing the island with even one other person, let alone two or three.
I've only been playing for about a year now, so I didn't see how things evolved from New Leaf to New Horizon. Personally I think only being able to have one island on your switch is quite silly, but I'm sure the Heads of N are finding a way to make money off that decision. I've created additional profiles on my switch so that I can have family members on my island, but it would be so nice to have multiple islands in the family kingdom. LOL
If this was on the 3DS I don't think I would mind but the switch isn't meant to be just an individual console, it's also a family console (excluding the switch lite), which is reflected in the price. Having to buy a whole 2nd switch just to not share an island with my little sister is a bit excessive, in my opinion.

I didn't mind in NL but now that we can terraform and extensively decorate our islands, having a second player there takes away some of the flexibility. It can also be very boring for them since they won't be the island representative. It sucks because I want to be able to share my games with her, but it just isn't fun for either of us to share an island :/
When I bought my copy of the game in May it seemed that every negative review on Amazon was a frustrated parent saying "you can only make one island, now one kid did everything and the other kids are upset" 😅

It would have been nice for them to find a way to make multiple islands per system but I'm not personally affected by it. I have a switch lite that is all mine, and I feel like I have enough to do with just one island. I think for anyone who shares the console though the one island thing really stinks.
Would have been better if they just had let each user have their own island, and then have a character select screen like in New Leaf when you boot up the game with your account.
That would also have gotten rid of the issues of families sharing an island, and then one of the kids move out, or gets their own switch.
The whole system they have now is so messy, I can't believe how incompetent it is frankly.
All of that being said, I don't have a horse in this race, I live by myself, with my own switch, so it's not a concern to me in my circumstance.
I don't really mind it that much. I think two islands would be pretty difficult to manage. I do think Nintendo could make a ton of money if they'd offer an extra island as DLC, though. I envision it as almost like a new game + mode, since you'd have all your resources, but you could travel between the two. I definitely think the travel system is greatly underused given the context of the game.
I don't really mind it that much. I think two islands would be pretty difficult to manage. I do think Nintendo could make a ton of money if they'd offer an extra island as DLC, though. I envision it as almost like a new game + mode, since you'd have all your resources, but you could travel between the two. I definitely think the travel system is greatly underused given the context of the game.
Well if you remember back in New Leaf Welcome Amiibo there used to be a feature when you wanted to delete your town, but you can actually sell your Town to Tom Nook as long as your plaza tree was big enough for it to work. Tom Nook calculates all the items you cataloged and of course how much stuff was done on the island in terms of public works projects. So when you delete your town all the Bells that your Town is worth we will be transferred to the ATM so that way when you're in your new Town you can use those bells to rebuild the town.

As for DLC I mean if thats the only way they can solve this issue then I suppose it can work and it would be nice to travel to your old island and new island. Of course it is possible to do that if you have two switches but I heard its a lot more complicated to setup because it must be 2 accounts having an online subscription. So there's that.