I'm just a ghost.
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Yeah the thing is on the original Animal Crossing on GameCube you were able to use 2 Memory Cards and you would have 2 Towns on only one console. That was so easy and simple to do back then. However these days we have SD cards and like I mentioned before they cannot be used for this game because the save data is imported onto the system meaning that there is no way to transfer it to another SD card.i... am somewhere in the middle?
i'm not desperate for a second island, but i wouldn't mind having one. there are definitely a lot of other villagers i'd like to have around permanently, but decorating an entire second island sounds like such a slog to me. i barely have enough ideas/energy to cover the first, and still have a lot of work to do. (although that's mainly due to blue roses being so absurdly difficult to breed.)
i don't think they'll ever add an option to have a second island, since it doesn't seem like the sort of thing you can just implement this far in, but i also don't know why they didn't just take the NL/DS approach where towns were saved to the cartridges and not the consoles. maybe backups wouldn't be possible that way (although i doubt it) but i'm less likely to lose or break a cartridge than i am to need to replace my switch lite because of the crappy hardware.
Well if you remember back in New Leaf Welcome Amiibo there used to be a feature when you wanted to delete your town, but you can actually sell your Town to Tom Nook as long as your plaza tree was big enough for it to work. Tom Nook calculates all the items you cataloged and of course how much stuff was done on the island in terms of public works projects. So when you delete your town all the Bells that your Town is worth we will be transferred to the ATM so that way when you're in your new Town you can use those bells to rebuild the town.I don't really mind it that much. I think two islands would be pretty difficult to manage. I do think Nintendo could make a ton of money if they'd offer an extra island as DLC, though. I envision it as almost like a new game + mode, since you'd have all your resources, but you could travel between the two. I definitely think the travel system is greatly underused given the context of the game.