
Well if you remember back in New Leaf Welcome Amiibo there used to be a feature when you wanted to delete your town, but you can actually sell your Town to Tom Nook as long as your plaza tree was big enough for it to work. Tom Nook calculates all the items you cataloged and of course how much stuff was done on the island in terms of public works projects. So when you delete your town all the Bells that your Town is worth we will be transferred to the ATM so that way when you're in your new Town you can use those bells to rebuild the town.

As for DLC I mean if thats the only way they can solve this issue then I suppose it can work and it would be nice to travel to your old island and new island. Of course it is possible to do that if you have two switches but I heard its a lot more complicated to setup because it must be 2 accounts having an online subscription. So there's that.
Yeah, I think that definitely helps with some of the issues of resetting, but it's still fairly limiting. I believe it was done in an effort to get people back into the game after not playing for a few years. (I do think this was a good idea, though.)

The system I described, though, would just give you another island for your players to visit--a reset wouldn't be required. You'd be allowed to travel freely between them, and your resources would just be tied to the player as usual.
It is what it is and I don't feel strongly about it one way or the other. Ultimately it was the developer's decision and that's the one they made. As a fan I've never really felt that it is my place to get upset about these things and expect change. Maybe it's because I've been a console gamer since the 90s and the option for developers to change things later simply wasn't possible back then. Once you had that game in your hands that was it, game-breaking bugs and all. If you didn't like it you didn't have the avenue to complain - you simply stopped playing and got on with your day. I feel kind of lucky that I grew-up with this sort of relationship with games. Being emotionally invested in them sounds exhausting.

I do have a second Switch, not bought specifically for AC:NH, and while I have a second island I rarely touch it. So if the option existed to have two islands with only one Switch I probably wouldn't make much use of it.
It's unfortunate but Nintendo very clearly decided they would rather have a whole family play on one island than to cater to people who prefer to play alone. I'm not surprised given recently Nintendo seems to be pushing for connectivity, togetherness and all that jazz. I'd argue you can see it as a core theme for the Switch from the get-go given how even the Joy Cons are meant to be "shared" and how you can "take the switch anywhere".

I don't see the island situation changing either, unfortunately. Back when the lack of cloud saves got announced they explained it being due to how uniquely the game is coded to allow multiple family members on one island. I can't even begin to imagine what a jungle of coding it would be to now attempt to allow both that code and then a new one allowing more islands to coexist at once.

As for my personal thoughts on the matter... yeah I would like a second island (but I would never pay 300+ euros for one!). My island is story based and while I stand by the decision to make that happen, it doesn't always function the best for just your average AC game play. It would be nice to have a second island to just mess around with.

The only compromise I can see Nintendo going with is giving us a DLC island that is tied to your already existing one. Basically just another set of land to decorate, kind of like Harv's island except more... island? No player houses or anything on there, just some extra land. I hope I'm making sense.​
I don't think this will change at all, but it's still annoying.
Other games will let me start over entirely if I choose a different Switch profile. Not Animal Crossing. You are forced to have the other profiles share the island.
The limit is still 10 villagers too. There are way more than 10 I want, but I can't have more without letting them leave or getting another Switch system.

It's been a year, so the chances of this changing is slim to none.
i think it's ridiculous and kind of greedy on nintendo's part. it doesnt really affect me tho because im happy with one island and i dont really want a second.
A person's opinion on this really depends on their situation.

Me, I'd love to have multiple per Switch, but I am the sole owner and player of said Switch, so it isn't like I need this option.

Others may be sharing their Switch with a sibling, family, or spouse, so the ability to have multiple islands per Switch would definitely be essential to them.

I had to splurge on buying another Switch just to get a second town to experiment with, and I don't see that as being a practical option for people.
Most people here will be fine with it because they will have their own island and not have to share it. I don't have to share either, but even family playing together at the same time is so restrictive. I don't get why that had to be a thing. They obviously did this to make it more expensive to make another island. Every series needed you to buy something extra. Gamecards (PG) game cartridges (NL/WW)

But even those are like $20-$40 compared to a whopping $300+ just so you can make another island. That's just absurd. Defend it all you want, but they could had found a work around. Making an extra profile for a new island, somehow buying an 'island' for an additional $60 is better than forking out $300. Bottom line is it comes down to greed. You can make a new Switch profile for any other game and have a new save file at your disposal.

I am fine with it because I only need one island and don't have to share, but it sucks for everyone else that has to share. I remember one mother writing an article about having to share an island with her daughter who couldn't really comprehend things all that well because she was too young and the whole game was just a disaster and her daughter having a melt-down all the time.
Unfortunately I don’t see them allowing more then one island per switch. I am lucky that I don’t have to share either of my islands. I have two switch lights and two islands. I can see why it would be frustrating to have to share an island.
Ugh, I still think it’s a dumb idea. The way they have for new leaf was perfect. Want a second town? Buy a second copy of the game. Surely Nintendo would have anticipated that there’d be players who want to have multiple islands with NH as well, so the fact that they made islands tie to switch rather than game cartridges only tells me one thing - that the motivation is based on greed for profit. For people who are really incentivized, if they have the purchasing power to buy a $299, why only have them spend $59 on a game? It can’t be a technical difficulty so if it’s not feasible it’s because Nintendo doesn’t want to do it.
It's kinda meh in my opinion. It depends on how you and whoever you share the island with want to have it look like. I'm on both sides.
The good:
You can work together to teraform, which some users dread but i don't mind.
You can have extra storage per person and i have friends who make alt characters to add storage.
You can have 200 design slots (design slots aren't much of a problem now because Nintendo added more).

The bad:
Only the original character can start working on benches and ramps.
(This was also the case in New leaf, but a 3ds/2Ds isn't a family system, so i don't really care that much but a switch is more of a family consle)
Only the original character can move houses. (which sucks for me because I share my island with my older sister and she doesn't play that much anymore and I don't want to use her account because it's not mine, plus I want my island to be based of New York and, well it's kinda hard to do that if you can't move houses)

The meh:
Only the original character can unlock K.K., but that kind of makes sense, so I don't care much.
I definitely think it would be a good feature to have, as it would solve so many arguments families have between kids, etc. who all want their own island.

It doesn't affect me personally, as I wouldn't create another island as I'm only interested in having one. But I really do see how it would be a benefit to many people.
I’m not a fan at all, but I guess I can see why Nintendo did it. They’re really pushing for New Horizons to be a family game and have the parents, kids, or whoever all share an island. I can see why it would be fun at first— my brother and I actually shared a New Leaf town back in the day and it was a great time.

However, Nintendo doesn’t understand (or just doesn’t care) that most people play alone. Most people want to play alone. Even kids. Nobody wants to share their island with a sibling, parent, or even significant other. Nintendo obviously wants everyone to be all buddy-buddy & play together all the time, but isn’t that what wi-fi play is for? There’s not much to do during online play, but at least it accomplishes that goal.

I can see why Nintendo opted for one island per console, though. People are literally willing to buy second consoles JUST for another island, so it’s a good money grab for them.
I'm mostly indifferent about it.

I'm not technologically inclined, but I'd always just heard it said that this is just down to how the saves work on the Switch, that if you have a copy of a game already then you can't get another. Granted, with other games you can make other save files so that's less of an issue, but still, buying a second cartridge would do nothing for you and would be a waste of money. Maybe it would've been ideal if there was some option where, when a new player is making their character, the Nooklings would ask you if you wanted to go to the current island or head to a different island. That said, I can imagine things could snowball and get ridiculous quickly considering you can have up to eight profiles on the Switch. I don't know how big New Horizons is in file size compared to other games, but I would assume having a hypothetical potential of eight islands on a Switch would get a bit excessive. If it's a matter where they had to choose one way or another, I can see why they might have wanted to prioritize families being able to play together. It also makes business sense for them to want people to buy more Switches and games, whether we like it or not as consumers.

I can definitely understand the appeal and desire to have another New Horizons island since I have multiple New Leaf towns since the 3DS handled saves differently and you just needed to buy more cartridges. It's unfortunate that this is the route that people have to take with this game.
My opinion on this topic has remained unchanged. I don't really mind it at all since I'm not the type of person who wants to own more than one island. Though it would be nice to know why Nintendo went with this decision if allowing multiple saves on one file would absolutely mess up the code.
Not sure if the Switch just can't handle to have more than more NH save file, if Nintendo simply done it to make more money... Whatever the reasons are that you can only have one island, it does sucks. And yeah, I do feel bad for those who have to share their island and wish they could have their own one. Sometimes, I also wished to have a second island, simply because I have many ideas which I can't put all in one island. But then again, I would never spend lots of money for another console along with another copy of the game. So therefore, I just dealt with the fact of how it is. If they would at least add features such as giving up the resident rep. job to another player, being able to change your character's/island's name, that would be really helpful.
I'm the only person that uses my Switch, so it's not as big of an issue for me.

However, the new Pokemon games for the Switch can have multiple saves for the first time using different profiles. Which is awesome.

So it would've been amazing if it was similar to the Pokemon games.
I'm the only person that uses my Switch, so it's not as big of an issue for me.

However, the new Pokemon games for the Switch can have multiple saves for the first time using different profiles. Which is awesome.

So it would've been amazing if it was similar to the Pokemon games.
I generally don't understand why some games have save files yet a game like Animal Crossing doesn't. I would always want to save my game as a backup in case if something ever happened to it. Of course we have Auto Save in the game and there is no way to turn that off. If there was option it wouldn't be much of a problem, but a game like Animal Crossing should have save files.
while i’m okay with it for the most part, the ability to have a second island without having to buy a whole new console definitely would’ve been nice.