
It hasn’t and still doesn’t impact me as I only like - and can - focus on a single island. This may be different if I were younger, but I understand the frustration from those where having a second island makes a difference ( e.g.: different play styles and wants of family members, wanting to dedicate an island for their ‘shops’ such as village cycling or items) when having two Switches isn’t an option.

I’ve never looked at it as an ’issue,’ though I still wonder why it was intentional given the capability to do otherwise in general such as the option to have multiple profiles/accounts on the Switch.
I can't imagine me ever needing a second island. I think the first will always be a work in progress, an improvement building on an improvement.

I actually do have a second island.I have a Switch and a Switch lite, and move the cartridge between the two consoles. I very rarely play the Switch island, it only just upgraded the Resident Services.

I completely understand that other people would like that option though, especially families. I don't understand the reasoning, but Nintendo definitely intended the game to work as such, and they won't address it.
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I get that one cartridge is one island, even if you have 8 accounts on your switch. What I don't get that if you buy another cartridge for 60(!!!) bucks you can't have a second island? Wth?
I personally don't need a second island, but I can imagine for families or roommates or whatever this would be really annoying and quiet unfair if you only have one console.
I think it's one thing to be the only one who uses your system and therefore you have the freedom to do whatever you want with your island. It's another thing entirely to have to share with siblings, a spouse, children, whatever and be disappointed that you can't have that freedom and everyone's creativity is stunted.

I know people who've had to share and expressed they just deal with it, but don't like it/hate it. They finally bought another system so they can have their own island or their family did. I see a lot of folks here saying how they're fine with it or it doesn't affect them. And while it doesn't affect me either, I can still see how stupid this decision was. Nintendo claimed it was to bring families together, but multiplayer (not online) is really restricted and feels like the leader is caged and has little freedom. People who have to share have mostly said how they hate it and that is not really bringing people together. It's making the majority resent it.

So Nintnedo's original statement was just a workaround for people to give them more money. You can be ok with it and not have it impact you, but you should still see how flawed it is.
Not being able to have another island is a main reason I don't play as often anymore tbh. I played nonstop the first months of the game being out (like most did lol) and that caused me to finish my island design relatively quickly, get all my favorite villagers, and not really have anything left to do to keep me interested in playing. I love my island but in order to fall in love with the game again I feel like I would need to start from scratch and basically my only options are lose my 600+ hours of progress or spend $300 on a new console. I do understand why Nintendo did what they did but I wish we could at least buy another cartridge for a new island instead of an entire console.
it's frustrating... not much to say that hasn't already been said but i know someone who's mom has 3 WHOLE switch consoles now just for new horizons =_=
I personally think it would make sense if, say, you had to purchase another game file/copy to get another island (to me, that’s a fair trade; you want more, you gotta buy more, y’know?) However, getting an ENTIRELY NEW SWITCH CONSOLE is a whoooleee different story and ticks me off. At the end of the day, it’s about making money to Nintendo, just like with any other company. Nintendo does tend to bring higher customer satisfaction (at least from what I can see), but they still on that shmoney train.

For me, I would definitely use more than one island, mainly because I love decorating and if I’m too knocked out of ideas on one island, I can hop over to the other and experiment. Idk how all these aesthetic ACNH Twitter accounts afford their multiple Switches, lol. Could be it’s what they spend most of their disposable income on, so can’t blame them. At least I get more content ✌🏻. I digress though; Nintendo should’ve made multiple islands more attainable at least through additional game purchases. *sigh* 😐
From my opinion, the whole one island per switch has never really bothered me. Since for me, if I’m going to play animal crossing. I’d like to just have the 1 island. Sure having a second to mess around with or do a different hemisphere then my first could be interesting. But it didn’t bother me that much.

I mean sure, it might be disappointing to have to share with siblings/families. But when me and some of my family were playing new leaf. We all had our own consoles and our own cartridges. So it barely made a difference in that regards.

Plus I’ve seen a lot of people finding ways to share their island. Like putting a line down the middle, letting each choose 5 neighbours each and doing contrasting designs. It might not be a glowing solution but it works in a way.