Design our cabin flag! (The Poliwags Cabin)

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Feathered Fiend
Project Staff
Sep 19, 2013
Spirit Candy: Wix
Crow Plush
Crow Plush
Crow Plush
Spirit Candy: Wix
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Feather
Final Boss Feather
Black Feather
Black Famous Mushroom
It was a tight race, but the little tadpole that could won out by a single vote... congrats Cabin 5, you evolved into The Poliwags!

Now with such a fierce cabin name we're going to need an even fiercer flag to show off our camp pride. Not only will we have a sweet cabin flag to represent us, but you'll earn some sweet Campfire Tokens in the process!

How it works 🐋

To submit a flag design, simply post in this thread with your design, following the Flag Submission Guidelines below.

To vote on a flag design, simply leave a reaction on the flag designs that you like. You can use any reaction: they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time! The design with the most reactions will become our cabin flag; however, camp counselors will make a decision if needed (e.g. in the case of ties).

You have until Sunday, August 15th at 6PM EDT to submit and vote for our flag design.

Flag Submission Guidelines 🐋

  • Entries may be hand-drawn or digitally drawn
  • Your submitted design must have an aspect ratio of 2:3 (e.g.: if the height is 400 pixels, the width should be 600 pixels)
  • Your submission must be your own work
  • A reasonable amount of effort must be put into your creation. Those that appear rushed or submitted jokingly will not be accepted
  • Keep your creation appropriate for a PG-13 audience

Prizes 🐋

  • 10 campfire tokens for an entry
  • An additional 10 campfire tokens to the selected flag
Does the cabin name, "The Poliwags" need to be on the flag?
I can’t wait to see all of the awesome flag designs. Show the other cabins we have great artists too! Go Poliwags! 💙
Oh heck yes, time to break out all of my definitely not fake vexillology skills! It’s time to spend countless hours designing a flag and then probably less than ten minutes drawing it, haha

If your flag doesn’t come with a fifteen-page essay about its symbology is it even real? (That is a joke)
This was my first time using, like, a real design tool(Inkscape this time, because it's free) since I learned how to use Illustrator back in high school, and it kinda shows. The flag is meant to represent the Poliwags rising up from the depths of the oceans (on the left), rivers, ponds, lakes, toilets, sinks, and bathtubs (on the right), and sucking the other cabins (represented by the Evergreens' color, since they were in first place at time of production) down into a whirlpool.

i don't know what i'm doing 5.png

...This design looked a lot more striking in my head, and I can't help but feel like something's missing from it here, but I tried my best. Lining up the edges of the spiral with the side of the triangle was harder than I expected it to be.
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