I will have a spot available in my town on the 29th and I would really love to have that adorable goth eyelash pig in my town! Name your price, will pay anything up to and including my first born child. Thank you!
Hey c: sorry, i forgot to update this thread, but someone pmd me that they can get her for me.
Do you have her in your town and she just pinged to move? If so maybe that would be better than having the other person go through the trouble of scanning in the amiibo card? And no, I do not care if she is original or not.
Hey c: sorry, i forgot to update this thread, but someone pmd me that they can get her for me.
Do you have her in your town and she just pinged to move? If so maybe that would be better than having the other person go through the trouble of scanning in the amiibo card? And no, I do not care if she is original or not.
Ah I see. She keeps pinging. Bad girl. ;_; So yes. I think her house is intact, but she's wearing the QR hoody that my friend made for my male character, which isn't making her look any cuter. lol
If you're okay with that, I'll change the town clock forward after some time. I'm on the middle of trade right now.